
Clinton widens lead in Wisconsin

Clinton leads in the polls in states like Colorado, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.


The new poll shows Clinton leading Trump by 10 points among registered voters and 15 points among likely voters.

The poll focused on Pennsylvania, Florida, and OH because since 1960 no candidate has won the presidential race without taking at least two of these three states. And just 12 percent say they would support borrowing money to plug the gap. Ted Cruz amid intense opposition from the state’s influential and united set of anti-Trump conservative talk radio hosts.

The Marquette University Law School released a poll on Wednesday, the day after Ryan won his Republican primary with 84 percent of the vote. The matchup in Florida shows Clinton at 46 percent to Trump’s 45 percent.

Clinton continued her remarks uninterrupted as attendees behind the stage rose to witness the commotion. More important than increasing her leads a few points is the overall “direction” of the surveys, Marist pollster Lee Miringoff said. “Among Trump voters, well over half say they back him because they dislike her”. Respondents were given the option of choosing between Trump and Clinton, and were also asked to pick the most concerning major issue influencing their vote.

Clinton made small gains in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Iowa after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, according to the Marist College/NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. Ron Johnson, 53% to 42%, among likely voters.

Meanwhile, about 44 percent of all registered voters want Trump to drop out of the race.

The Marquette Law School Poll was conducted August 4 through Sunday, sampling 805 registered Wisconsin voters.


“These numbers point to extraordinary potential for Hillary Clinton to garner a significant proportion of the youth vote this November”, CIRCLE found, “but they are not a guarantee that young people will turn out to vote”. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 points.

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in 2 of 3 swing states