
No Man’s Sky: 13 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Do

Norman’s Sky No Man’s Sky is out, offering explorers, survivalists and space nuts the sort of game they could only dream about.


There’s more controversy surrounding the online features included in No Man’s Sky, as it emerges that the game’s boxart features a reference to online play covered by a sticker.

Shortly after the game’s launch, Hello Games co-founder Sean Murray commented on the possibility of two players crossing paths, noting that the team added functionality to encourage the prospect.

Developer Hello Games said earlier that it’s working to adapt to the large number of players now exploring the game’s universe, and added that average player session far exceeded expectations. “That said, we’re working quickly to adapt”, says Murray.

Also See Our No Man’s Sky Trading Guide – How to Trade, Make Money Selling Items and No Man’s Sky Heridium Farming Locations Guide – How to Get Heridium Easily.

In the meantime, Hello Games is offering workarounds related to specific glitches in No Man’s Sky.

For the time being, Hello Games hasn’t committed to a release timeline for that patch, and likely won’t do so until early next week once the PC version is out in the wild. Though he did not provide any information regarding the patch and the issues that it will resolve.

No Man’s Sky is available now for PlayStation 4, and releases for PC later today. He pointed out that if you’re stuck somewhere, you can use your jetpack forever as long as you’re pushing against a surface. One reason some players could be confused if they had or not, is that the ship names displayed in-game were incorrect.


It was always going to be a challenge for Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky to meet the enormous expectations of its audience. The outpost will have a beacon that will summon the ship.

Here Are All The Times Sean Murray Said That No Man’s Sky is Multiplayer