
Clinton releases 2015 tax returns, pressuring Trump to follow

Clinton’s campaign called the statements a “false claim”.


Clinton’s leads over Trump in Virginia and Colorado, two traditionally swing states that went for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, suggest they may no longer be considered battlegrounds, at least in this presidential election.

She had previously taken heat for saying in June 2015 that she and Bill Clinton were “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001 because her husband’s legal bills had put them in debt.

“Donald Trump wants to give trillions in tax cuts to people like himself”, Clinton said, later adding that Trump’s policies are “just a more extreme version of the failed theory of trickle-down economics” with the bonus addition of “outlandish Trumpian ideas”.

Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook, released a statement Tuesday about Trump’s comments: “This is simple – what Trump is saying is unsafe”. “When Donald Trump visited Detroit on Monday, he talked only of failure, poverty, and crime”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump by three percentage points, which is slightly down from a 4-point Clinton lead last Thursday, according to a Rasmussen Report published on Thursday. “ISIS will hand her the most valuable player award”.

“Based on what we know from the Trump campaign, he wants America to work for him and his friends, at the expense of everyone else”, she said, at a manufacturing company.

In an interview on Thursday morning, Trump defended the remarks.

“Is there something wrong with saying that?” Trump told CNBC. “Why – are people complaining that I said he was the founder of ISIS? All I do is tell the truth, I’m a truth teller”. Clinton has looked to counter Trump’s populist, anti-trade message with pledges to help the middle class, small businesses and American manufacturers. “He’s the founder. He founded ISIS”, Trump said.

The Democratic National Committee lambasted Trump’s remarks as “outrageous, unhinged and patently false”.

Other top Republicans, including Senator Susan Collins of ME this week, have disavowed Trump but said they can not back Clinton.

Trump was seeking to do just that by using an economic policy speech after a series of missteps that included a prolonged clash with the parents of a fallen Muslim American soldier.

Politico reported that after Trump’s Second Amendment comments, Bob Owens, the editor of the website, tweeted that “Trump’s words were “neither nuanced nor clever” but ‘a threat of violence”. Trump repeatedly denied he was inciting violence.

On Wednesday, the Clinton campaign launched “Together for America”, a group of Republican politicians, strategists and academics who have come out for Clinton.

Clinton’s strategy borrows from President Barack Obama’s winning playbook against Mitt Romney in 2012.

Respondents to the Reuters/Ipsos poll who support Trump’s ouster acknowledge the unlikelihood of that happening.


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Clinton Touts Jobs Plan, Fires Back At Trump 'Second Amendment' Comments