
Poll numbers falling for Trump in Kansas

If the trend continues, within a month Trump and Clinton would be virtually tied – and Clinton could potentially lead. He said Thursday that he’ll “just keep doing the same thing I’m doing right now”. Johnson earned 15 percent and Stein earned six.


Indeed, neither Trump nor Clinton enjoys great popularity.

Sill, Clinton needs to win over one more state to ensure the number of electors she necessitates to be elected as President.

In a four-way contest, Mr. Trump led Mrs. Clinton by one point, 37 percent to 36 percent, with Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson at 6 percent and Green Party nominee Jill Stein at 3 percent, with 17 percent still undecided.

The new averages reflect a sharp increase in support for Clinton compared with pre-convention polls. A number of prominent Republicans have declined to endorse him in the November 8 election against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, citing his fiery rhetoric and policy proposals such as building a wall along the US-Mexican border and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country. Rand Paul, when interest for him as a candidate spiked earlier this year.

The post-convention polls are in, and they consistently show Hillary Clinton entering the next phase of the presidential election campaign with the upper hand over Donald Trump. “That could matter in a close election, but the election isn’t looking all that close at the moment”, FiveThirtyEight said.

To address a $939 million transportation budget shortfall, 43 percent of registered voters said the state should increase revenue, 33 percent said it should cut spending and 12 percent said it should borrow more. Most polls show 1 to 2 percent support for Trump among black voters.

Beyond the polls, a series of prominent Republicans have been bailing on Trump. Susan Collins, Sen. Mark Kirk, and Sally Bradshaw.

This week, controversy continued to stir up as people discussed Trump’s latest mishap: “We’re letting people come in from terrorist nations that shouldn’t be allowed because you can’t vet them”, he voiced.

Today, Clinton explained her reasoning, citing Trump’s past remarks, “His casual cruelty to a gold star family, his casual suggestion that more countries should have nuclear weapons and now his causal inciting of violence”. “There’s no way of vetting them”. “The support he has from Republicans nearly seems obligatory rather than voluntary”. Among them were Lezlee Westine, director of public liaison and deputy assistant to the President during the Bush administration, former Michigan Gov. William Milliken, and veteran diplomat John Negroponte.

Given some of the recent coverage of Trump, does the old adage about any publicity being good publicity still hold true?

Clinton made small gains in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Iowa after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, according to the Marist College/NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey.


However, Clinton has a built-in advantage with the electoral map, considering more Democrats than Republicans live in numerous country’s most populated states, like California and NY, which as a result gives them more electoral votes.

DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Hillary Clinton leads opponent Donald Trump by 10 points in a new CNN poll