
Donald Trump likes Hillary Clinton

Hillary and Bill Clinton earned $10.6 million past year, according to a tax filing released by her campaign Friday that sought to pressure presidential rival Donald Trump to disclose his tax returns.


Clinton and her husband, former President Bill ClintonBill ClintonClinton and Kaine release tax returns Bernie-or-bust bros have some things to learn about democracy Top Republican questions Lynch on Clinton Foundation probe MORE, put out their returns for 2015.

“In stark contrast, Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promises to release his tax returns”, Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri said.

Hillary Clinton is leading Donald Trump in the four key battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado and has built on her leads from last month in all of the states but Florida, according to polling released Friday. But his scripted remarks were quickly eclipsed by the latest in a series of blunders and controversial statements that appear to have handed Clinton’s campaign a boost in the polls, particularly with Republican women and college-educated voters who make up a key piece of the GOP base.

As secretary of state, Mrs Clinton worked to craft the TPP but withdrew her support during the election when the final deal was announced.

Clinton and Kaine aren’t alone in their pursuit to pressure Trump to release his taxes.

Trump has so far declined to release his tax returns, saying that it would be a bad move, since he has been under a routine audit from the IRS.

“He is missing so much about what makes MI great”. Over 60% of the Clintons’ $10.6 million income comes from speeches.

In 2015, Clinton paid a federal tax rate of 34.2% and a NY state rate of 9% for a total effective tax rate of 43.2%.

Hillary Clinton gave dozens of paid speeches in 2013, 2014 and 2015 but gave this up before launching her candidacy for the White House in April 2015. It doesn’t like being in the news, much less making it, so for that agency to believe it was necessary to issue a response to a comment by a presidential candidate is unprecedented. Their main investment was a low-priced index mutual fund, and the Clintons reported dividend and interest income of $109,000.


What’s more, the Clintons lowered their tax liability by giving to charity. Trump’s tax rate itself has been posited as a possible reason for the campaign’s reticence; the New York Times today floated the possibility that Trump may have paid zero federal income tax in some years.

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