
Deep Fried Twinkies in Your Own Freezer

Hostess is now selling official Deep Fried Twinkies in stores, starting today (Friday, Aug. 12) exclusively at Walmart.


The delicacy once reserved as a once-a-year treat during state fairs (and cardiologists were thankful for that) are coming to Walmart.

In this Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016, photo, Associated Press reporter Anne D’Innocenzio arranges frozen, deep-fried Twinkies on a tray before baking in NY. The treats come in vanilla and chocolate and need to be finished in the oven or toaster oven before eating.

A box of seven has a retail price of $4.67.

The Twinkies, covered in what Wal-Mart describes as “a funnel cake-like batter”, are available in original flavor and chocolate and should be available in the company’s more than 4,000 USA stores by early next week. After that, they will be available at other stores. A Hostess executive says they have a “retro cool factor”.

A longtime staple of state fairs across America, the deep-fried Twinkie weighs in at nine grams of fat and 220 calories – significantly less than other fair favorites such as a double bacon corn dog (around 500 calories), a sugar-coated funnel cake (750 calories), or a giant turkey leg (1,100 calories). In comparison, a Starbucks Carmel Frappuccino has 420 calories, 15 grams of fat and 66 grams of sugar.

WORKING IT OFF: A person who weighs about 150 pounds would need to run for 20 minutes at 10 miles per hour, take a 40-minute spin class or do a 50-minute bike ride, says Amy Gorin, a Jersey City, New Jersey-based registered dietitian-nutritionist.


LIMITED-TIME TWINKIES: In December, Hostess teamed up with Wal-Mart on a limited-time mint-chocolate flavored cake. Last month, the company launched Key Slime Twinkies in conjunction with the new “Ghostbusters” movie.

Hostess unveils Deep Fried Twinkies a frozen treat that can be baked at home   
