
Rio Olympic official: No glanders risk at equestrian

Brazilians wouldn’t expect anything less. Brazil is not a country where everything is delayed and over cost.


He insisted it would be safe for those competing, outlining the success of last year’s test event, as well as other competitions held there in the past. Additionally, there are 27 so-called legacy initiatives, or infrastructure development projects that will outlast the games themselves, which will everything from new subway lines to the cleaning and rehabilitation of the waters surrounding the city. According to the AP, some tests of the Olympic water sites produced results that were 1.7 million times the level of what would be considered hazardous on a beach in Southern California.

“Myself as a fan of sports, as a kid growing up watching every sort of sport you could imagine, the Olympics is something that I think every kid dreams about doing at one stage”, Kuchar said.

In a statement the global Olympic Committee said: “The health and welfare of the athletes is a top priority for the IOC. So far, this has been the case and we can see that there are no imminent, significant risks for the athletes”, said Bach. “Of course, we follow WHO guidance”.

Rio de Janeiro will be the focus of the sporting world’s attention next year, when it becomes the first South American city to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games”, FEI President Ingmar De Vos said. “It’s our moral duty”, Matt Smith, the chief executive of the organisation said.

“We’re being cautious. The best way to avoid the disease is not to have horses here”.

The global Sailing Federation said they would also conduct independent testing. “Our venue at Deodoro is absolutely stunning and we’re all set for this week’s test event, now that we’ve marked the one-year countdown to the Games”. Authorities have stepped up cleaning activity, including and eco-barriers and eco-boats.

Over the next year, 11 Sky Academy Scholars will be pushing themselves to the limit during the qualifying period in trying to secure their spot on the plane to Rio.

Over the next 365 days, questions over Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic venues will persist.

“They need to be central to the story and be given the chance to have a voice, share their cultural narrative and communicate the ways in which they also contribute to Rio’s identity”.

Andrada believes the water conditions can be remedied in time.

Next August, almost 11,000 athletes representing 205 Olympic committees will compete for medals in 42 sports.


Pezao hailed the deal as a “very important step” toward the long-promised cleanup.

Image A discarded sofa litters the shore of Guanabara Bay in Rio