
Trump Now Says Remarks About Obama, Islamic State Were ‘Sarcasm’

On Friday, Trump passed off as sarcasm the assertion he made repeatedly this week that President Barack Obama and Clinton were “co-founders” of Islamic State and its Most Valuable Players.


Friday morning, he said everyone – especially the media – is taking this the wrong way, Tweeting, “They don’t get sarcasm?”

The comments were widely condemned, including by Trump’s opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Donald campaign officials said that Donald is going to give a speech on radical Islamic terrorism on Monday. “The mainstream media wants to pick on every single word”.

Over the past two years Obama has organised a broad coalition of countries and launched more than 10,000 U.S. airstrikes to defeat IS.

Cuomo stressed that Trump has open invitation to appear on CNN and explain. After all much of the time Democrats have said the same things that Trump did.

The Donald threw this explanation right in Hewitt’s face: “Well, I disagree”.

Corker did not say how he took the phrase but added such comments have no place in public discourse. Sullivan said Trump is “echoing the talking points” of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other USA adversaries. “He’s the founder”, Trump continued. “He has got to learn to use language that has been thought through and that is clear to everybody, and to stick to that language”.

His appearance came a day after Trump claimed “in many ways …” He is the founder of ISIS.

Conservative pundit Hugh Hewitt asked Trump if that’s what he really meant in an interview on Thursday. “He’s the founder. He founded ISIS”.

“ISIS will hand her the most valuable player award”.

“He gets the most valuable player award”.

“And I would say, the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton”, he added.

Hewitt responded: “But he’s not sympathetic to them”.

It will be interesting to see what happens when Russian Federation invades Estonia and Trump tries to stop them by telling them he was just being “sarcastic” about not defending them as a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ally.

He further said only Mr. Trump could give an answer to it, and he will give it to tweet and statement. “He was the founder”.

Trump’s comments were seen as accusing Obama of creating conditions that allowed ISIS to thrive.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump doubled down on his claim that President Obama founded ISIS. “[ISIS] honors President Obama” for getting the terrorist organization started. He is the founder of ISIS. “Therefore, he was the founder of ISIS”. Trump repeated the statement in two interviews and at several rallies on Thursday. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who has routinely found himself condemning a Republican standard bearer he continues to endorse, dismissed the comment as a “joke gone bad”.

REUTERS  Eric Thayer