
Hillary vows to oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership if elected president

One day after presidential candidate Hillary Clinton strongly underscored her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership in a speech in Detroit, President Obama officially started the clock on a lame-duck congressional vote on that agreement.


Where the TPP has the potential to secure a more permanent position for the U.S. in the Asia Pacific, the RCEP, which is strongly advocated for by China, could prove detrimental to the American position in the region.

As Bloomberg View recently wrote editorially: “The U.S. will be the TPP’s largest economic beneficiary in absolute terms”.

“She supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership – not now but very soon if she wins and we can’t let her win”, he said earlier this week when releasing details of his own economic policy. “But, unfortunately, as she has said, that standard failed to be met and therefore she opposes TPP”.

Once Congress reviews the draft statement, the administration can move forward with sending lawmakers a final statement and the draft of the implementing bill itself, which will describe the actual changes to US law to comply with the rules of the trade agreement.

In recent days, Clinton has criticized trade deals that she says hurt jobs, singling out the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a mega-deal involving 12 countries in Asia, North America and Latin America involving hundreds of billions of dollars in trade.

“And here’s something that you don’t always shear enough of from Democrats: a big part of our plan will be unleashing the power of the private sector to create more jobs at higher pay, and that means for us creating an infrastructure bank to get private funds off the sidelines and complement our private investments”, Clinton said. “Enforcement, particularly during the Bush administration, has been too lax”, she said.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday went a step further in her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership by telling an audience in MI that she will fight against the trade agreement if elected president.

Here is a question: when will the media chastize Hillary Clinton over her policies on trade that are pretty much identical to her Republican opponent, Donald Trump?

Ms Clinton says her jobs and tax plans will better help middle-class Americans than Trump’s. That is why I have announced we will withdraw from the deal before that can ever happen. Just yesterday, Secretary Clinton made her strongest statement to date against this deal.

The TPP’s rules of origin were the result of complex trade-offs between the United States and other members.


“Donald Trump wants to give trillions in tax breaks to people like himself”. And they have the collective influence to keep USA plaintiffs or defendants a minority of one. Many of those jobs, 71,220, are at Boeing and other aerospace companies, but aerospace accounts for only 17 percent of the total.

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