
No Man’s Sky is occasionally boring and frequently incredible

One reason some players could be confused if they had or not, is that the ship names displayed in-game were incorrect.


This led to situations where players with the pre-order ship were unwittingly buying new ships that didn’t come with hyperdrives, meaning they couldn’t leave that system, essentially breaking the game.

From the feel and functionality of space travel down to the game’s gorgeous sci-fi stylings, there’s an terrible lot Hello Games has managed to nail with No Man’s Sky.

He goes on to say that the team is now working on the “most critical issues” which should be addressed by a patch released soon. “I know we’ve said this before, but our small team will continue to work on this game so we appreciate the patience the community has already shown us”, Hello Games says. The cursor functions identically to the console version, meaning you have to hold down the mouse button on every menu item you want to select and watch the “wheel” on your cursor fill up.

Hello Games, Sean Murray demonstrates “No Man’s Sky” during the Sony E3 press conference at the L.A. Memorial Sports Arena on June 15, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. Also, you could get your copy directly over at Hello Games. Rocket League got a retail release much later, but No Man’s Sky doesn’t feel like an indie game.

“We sincerely apologise to anyone affected in the meantime”.

To bring up the resolution, players can also disable the V-sync, so that No Man’s Sky can run as fast as what’s allowable on a particular PC. While flying throughout the universe and experiencing quiet space, exotic creatures and storms, you will sink into the ambience of the game.

The game is available for pre-order on Amazon for Rs 3,990 with a Rs 49 delivery charge. For instance, when a Bypass Chip is used on a Beacon, the player will be able to find a location such as a shelter or an alien location.


But it’s hard not to fall in love with the wild variety and attractive aesthetic that No Man’s Sky is built upon.

'No Man's Sky screenshot