
Hillary Clinton releases her 2015 tax returns

Meanwhile, Clinton is leading Trump in a national poll released by the right-leaning Red Oak Strategic on Wednesday, with 36.6 percent to 29.6 percent.


Like millions of Americans, the Clintons overpaid their tax bill past year. We want to see the transcripts of the secret Wall Street speeches Clinton was paid $10,000 dollars-a-minute to give.

Ahead of November’s election, the Clinton camp is seeking to undermine the trustworthiness of her Republican rival, Mr Trump.

Trump says he’s not releasing them because he’s under audit and said he would when the audit is complete.

Although U.S. presidential candidates are not required to make their tax returns public, every contender for the White House has done so since 1973. They paid an effective combined tax rate of 45.8 percent in 2014, according to the site.

Pursuing a return to public service came at a cost to Hillary and Bill Clinton, as their considerable joint income dropped by almost two-thirds a year ago when the former secretary of state began her run for president.

The Clintons donated 10 percent of their gross adjusted income to charity in 2015 and 96 percent of that went to a Clinton-owned entity, according to tax documents released Friday morning.

November’s USA presidential election is taking shape: Republican billionaire Donald Trump and Democratic power player Hillary Clinton look set for an ugly battle for the White House after a bruising primary season.

Last July, Clinton posted eight years of her tax returns on her campaign website. Indeed, Trump’s in-house legal adviser, Michael Cohen, has recently repeated the fallacies, claiming it would be “malpractice” to advise Trump to release his returns while they are being audited. The documents showed that the Clintons reported earning $28.3 million in 2014 – more than double than in 2015 – and a total of more than $140 million between 2007 and 2014.

The income taxes of Clinton, along with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, showed an adjusted gross income of $US10.6 million for 2015, revealing how during the campaign the Clintons have reined in their moneymaking efforts after many years of lucrative speeches, book deals and business endeavours.

In 2015, the Clintons reported $1,042,000 in charitable donations. She earned only $1.5 million. Yet he’s also refused to release prior returns that would provide information about his income, foreign holdings as well as charitable giving.

Bill spent $500,000 in travel as part of the speaking portion of his business, Hillary had about $250,000 in travel expenses for her speaking business.


The couple’s income plunged a year ago.

Trump seeks to raise fresh ethical questions about Clinton