
Eying Georgia and Arizona, Clinton campaign looks to narrow Trump’s path

And new polls showed Clinton with substantial leads over the real estate mogul in the key battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado.


It’s not a straightforward demographic story.

“Experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails [and are] releasing these emails for the objective of helping Donald Trump”.

He is still expected to win most Southern states, but his strategy just doesn’t work in all the red states, especially in the South.

“I think it’s unbelievable we’re even talking about it”, Smyre said. A new round of polls from Quinnipiac and NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist show that she has moved into a double-digit lead over Trump in Pennsylvania, while displaying a narrow edge over Trump in Ohio.

On paper, that’s easy enough in a state like Iowa or OH, where white working-class voters are plentiful and Obama won a lot of them. She was not popular with younger voters during the primaries, but the study found Clinton is likely to attract many supporters of Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.

And so, paradoxically, some blue states are trending red, even as some red states are trending blue. But so far there is little evidence that is true, and few political strategists can map out a path to victory for Trump unless he wins all the states that Romney won in 2012, including Arizona, Georgia and Utah.

So where is Trump supposed to make gains among white working-class voters in Georgia?

“Trump’s agenda will pull our economy back into recession”, Clinton said.

When presidential hopeful Donald Trump controversially said “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”, many of Clinton supporters were quick to condemn the remarks (3).

At the same time, white voters represent a small share of the electorate in the Deep South. An AJC poll taken on August 1 showed the Democratic nominee with a 44 percent of the potential vote and Republican nominee Donald Trump with 40 percent.

Let me explain the difference between the two numbers. He was state co-chair of the Bill Clinton campaign the last time a Democrat won Georgia. “When Secretary Clinton was at the General Assembly in February, I told her she should keep an eye on Georgia if Donald Trump was the Republican nominee”.

In our most recent data, Trump does about the same on personal attributes among white Catholics as among other whites. Numerous states where Obama was competitive in 2008 but where Clinton is not especially competitive, like Montana, Indiana and Missouri, fall into this category.


One Sanders surrogate who is now backing Clinton is Tulsi Gabbard. “That’s where the race is given the strength of her candidacy and the weakness of his”.

Can these white voters get any more Republican than they were in 2012