
Trump ends suspense endorses Ryan and McCain

The endorsements are key to keeping Congress in the hands of Republicans to achieve policy goals, Trump said in a rally Friday evening in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Ryan’s home state. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos offered a blunt message ahead of the presidential nominee’s arrival: “We are Ryan Republicans here in Wisconsin, not Trump Republicans”.


Trump told the Washington Post on Tuesday, “I’m just not quite there yet”.

He said that, as president, he will need a Republican Senate and House to accomplish all of the changes he wants to make.

Mr Trump has praised Mr Putin as a great leader, and taken policy positions “consistent with Russian, not American, interests”, including endorsing Russian espionage against U.S. figures like Mrs Clinton, Mr Morell said. And I’m just not quite there.

Donald Trump has officially thrown his support to House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is competing in a Tuesday primary in Wisconsin, ending an extraordinary four-day standoff between party leaders.

Trump has not had a positive relationship with McCain in the past, criticizing him previous year for having been captured after his plane was shot down in the Vietnam War.

“He’s had a pretty odd run since the convention”, Ryan said on WTAQ radio in Green Bay.

While giving Trump his support, Ryan has frequently been critical of some of the billionaire’s most controversial statements.

Trump made the announcement during a campaign stop Friday in Green Bay.

After praising New Hampshire for being his first primary victory, Trump had positive words to say about Ayotte’s future. He said “Donald Trump and I are standing shoulder to shoulder to say to the American people, ‘We can be strong again'”.

“This is not the U.S. Constitution”, said Ryan. Clinton sought to take advantage of Trump’s dip in the polls at a conference of minority journalists in Washington, where she pledged an all-out fight for comprehensive immigration reform if she wins in November. “She is such a weak candidate that one would think we’d be on offense against Hillary Clinton, and it is distressing that that’s not what we’re talking about these days”.

Mr Ryan had dismissed Mr Trump’s refusal to support him and said that the only endorsements that mattered to him were those from voters in his district.

After talking about McCain, Trump endorsed Ayotte.

It’s not hard to imagine those three candidates quietly grinding their teeth over Trump’s moves.

The primary for Wisconsin’s 1st District will take place August 9.

Meanwhile, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, has been attempting to make light of the Republican turmoil.


Earlier this week, Trump tweeted out his thanks for Paul Nehlen, Rep. Ryan’s Republican primary challenger, who defended Trump on the lingering controversy regarding his attacks against the Gold Star Khans.

Donald Trump looking to right the ship plans to endorse Paul Ryan