
U.S. declares Zika a public health emergency in Puerto Rico

Whatever one thinks about Planned Parenthood, Obama’s health care law or the US interest in keeping Ebola in check in Africa, these are all serious policy matters deserving of debate one by one.


The conference call came as the Department of Health on Thursday announced the number of Zika cases has reached 486, almost doubling the cases since July 1. Microcephaly is a birth defect where a child is born with an abnormally small brain and skull. Democrats also objected to a provision to exempt pesticide spraying from Clean Water Act regulations and a provision reversing the ban on flying Confederate flags in federal cemeteries. Bit by bit, officials have declared that parts of the neighborhood appear to have been cleared of mosquitoes. That has angered Florida lawmakers, including Gov. Rick Scott and Sen.

Miami-Dade County has received $316,800 to date, more than any other county but no more than they had received last week. “Every community that has requested funding has received an allocation and we will continue to work closely with them to meet their needs”. Marco Rubio, who want Congress to allocate more dollars toward the fight. “We need to make sure those babies have a shot at a healthy life”.

Mrs. Burwell said she will move $34 million to the National Institute of Health to maintain government research into a Zika vaccine, while shifting $47 million to a biomedical authority that funds parallel efforts in the private sector. But they still planned the precautionary measure.

Puerto Rico’s state of emergency was declared after some 1,914 new Zika cases were reported in the American territory in the past week alone, bringing the confirmed count of infected people on the island to 10,690.

He said while only seven cases have been recorded, “this is the tip of the iceberg” since 80 per cent of people who are infected with the virus do not know or have mild infections.

Ms. Aeschliman said the woman is not hospitalized.

University of Toronto professor of medicine and infectious disease expert Jay Keystone said he isn’t surprised to see more cases of Zika emerging, but the problem is much worse in countries dealing with mosquito-borne transmission of the virus, such as Brazil. The new report by Italian researchers suggests the time period for possible infection can stretch for months.

Meanwhile, new research from Italy finds that Zika, which can cause birth defects including microcephaly, can remain in an infected man’s sperm for as long as six months, even with treatment, suggesting the risk of sexual transmission is greater than previously believed. The man developed a fever and a rash in January.


The World Health Organization is reviewing the results of the study.

As reported cases of Zika rise in Florida, so do tourism numbers