
Clinton Sending More Organizers, Funds To Arizona

I still am a staunch Sanders supporter.


Many supporters of Mr. Sanders are rooting for Canova as a way to get “payback” for their perception of how Mr. Sanders was treated by the DNC and Wasserman Schultz. She does not espouse Mr Trump’s protectionism, but she does oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a pending free-trade deal which she once supported; trade was a recurring issue in her contest with Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries.

As Bernie has stated, we can continue this revolution by voting for Democrats in November.

Georgia party executive director Rebecca DeHart did not offer specifics of Clinton’s investment, but said the news is good for her side. But the states have growing non-white populations that favor Democrats, and Trump continues to struggle among white college-educated Republicans – factors that give Clinton an opening Obama did not have.

The report found that Republican Donald Trump “faces a steep hill to climb in order to make headway among youth, especially among youth of color, less than 10 percent of whom report they intend to vote for him”. “Trump.pdf”>Real Clear Politics (RCP) poll averages showed Sanders leading Trump by 11.2%, more than three times Clinton’s 3.3% lead over Trump. In the two weeks since he made this comment, the content of Sanders’ “real world” has been even further exposed: it is a world of endless war and political reaction, in which both parties are controlled by the rich, and the American people are offered a “choice” between a fascistic demagogue and a warmonger with the closest ties to Wall Street.


Hornstein endorsed Clinton after Sanders and Congressman Keith Ellison announced their support for her candidacy. So, Democratic Party, prior to Election Day-because I don’t trust you will keep your commitment afterward-start getting those checks in the mail to the most desperate student-loan debtors. My integrity tells me to vote for Jill Stein and the Green Party.

As Clinton seeks support from Republicans, Sanders hails her role in the “political revolution”