
Just Kidding: Trump Now Clarifies His ‘ISIS Founder’ Comments Were Sarcasm

Donald Trump says President Barack Obama is the “founder” of the Islamic State group.


After his interview with Hewitt, Trump also repeated the comments at campaign events on Thursday.

“I’m a messenger, I’m a messenger for common sense”, Trump said. “Most valuable player”, he said.

“I don’t care. He was the founder”, Trump said.

Trump added later: “No, it’s no mistake”. “I think we’re going to win”. But he’s not sympathetic to them.

Addressing supporters at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, he said the jihadist group is “honoring President Obama”.

“These are the founders of ISIS because of bad judgment”.

“It’s inflammatory, but it’s more than that”, said David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of the Foreign Policy Group, of Trump’s latest statements.

The Islamic State group began as the al-Qaida affiliate in Iraq.

Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) “the founder” of ISIS, & MVP.

But it’s not just the media that’s having trouble figuring out Trump - his own staff is struggling too. “Obama and Hillary are the founders ISIS”.

But Trump indicated he will not change his style of election campaigning and will win.

Trump has uttered many, many controversial comments. They don’t get sarcasm? This is a tactic, this is not an accident, this is a tactic.

“Words matter, my friends”, Mrs. Clinton said. Take a look at the World Trade Center. Trump has blown by that, possibly because in 2007, during the administration of George W. Bush, he described the Iraq War as a “disaster” and urged Bush to simply declare victory and pull out. Why – are people complaining that I said he was the founder of ISIS? That’s what it was.

The next day, Hugh Hewitt tried to give him a way out, saying, “Last night, you said the president was the founder of ISIS”.

After trouncing 16 challengers in the Republican primary, Trump is encountering worrying signs as his campaign moves into the general election.

Trump has attacked the press for a lot of things over the past 14 months. That rallying cry was popularized at the Republican convention in Cleveland in July.


But asked about that Thursday, Trump seemed to go further, saying he was talking literally about Obama creating the terrorist organization. He acknowledged the possibility he could lose the race. “I’m a truth teller”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump