
Jesse Ventura: I want to be Donald Trump’s vice president

“As far as the Republicans are concerned, I hope Trump wins on the Republican side.’ Now, I’m not a Republican – I’m not a Democrat, either – so ultimately, I’d like somebody else to win overall”. Ventura said during an interview on his “Off the Grid” show with former Trump adviser Roger Stone. It needs to be shaken to its very core, and Donald Trump is doing that. Stone says he quit over differences with the direction of the campaign, while Trump says Stone was sacked. But, he added, “it would have to be the right person, and I’m not going to go into who that would be right now”. “The reason I decided to resign was I didn’t feel like I was having any impact”, he said. They don’t want these politicians that are scripted or handled or practiced or coached. “This is why you were successful, in Minnesota”, Stone said. Stone explained to Ventura that he left because the Trump campaign had gone off track. Stone, however, is continuing to advocate for Trump.


Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura is no stranger to shaking up the political world.

Ventura pointed out he’s a former governor and asked if Trump would ever pick him. Ventura asked.

Stone called Ben Carson a “very strong” option because the former neurosurgeon is one of the only other non-career politicians, besides Trump, running.

“I shocked my staff today”, Ventura said.

Trump continues to lead in the polls despite a tumultuous weekend after he repeatedly verbally attacked Fox News host Megyn Kelly.


He has not ruled out a third-party bid for the White House.

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