
Donald Trump issues rallying cry for Election Day volunteers

The effort reflects a key tension point between the parties, with Republicans warning of voter fraud created to help Democrats, such as ineligible people casting ballots, and Democrats accusing GOP officials of exaggerating the dangers of voter fraud to justify new laws that Democrats say are created to disenfranchise minorities and other Democratic voters.


Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, on Sunday blamed news organizations for the GOP nominee’s hard week, saying the press focused on a pair of Trump comments for days rather than doing more stories about the economic plan Trump announced. Trump is under pressure to follow suit, but he has yet to release his returns.

Trump spokesman Jason Miller says claims that volunteer poll observers could be a form of voter intimidation are unfounded. The fear seems to play to Trump supporters’ unique sense of alienation and distrust.

Money has been a big theme in this election. At that time, when Sanders was still in the race, the percentage of young voters seen as most likely to vote was at 76 percent, and that number has now dropped to 72 percent. “He has high unfavourable ratings with so many voters that he would need to win most of the rest of the electorate, and his post-convention problems aren’t helping him grow”. “I use no notes or Teleprompter”.

To that end, the Trump campaign website has a new sign-up page asking supporters to become “election observers” in November.

Clinton, meanwhile, points to her middle-class, Midwestern roots.

“Undecided voters still have a long way to go before they vote for Trump”, said Frank Luntz, a Republican strategist who holds focus groups with voters.

Trump, too, has tried to demonstrate that he understands the lives of regular people. “And he did a lovely job”.

“Do you believe that Hillary Clinton said that she short-circuited during a recent interview?” How come you sort of relate to these people?

If you can’t beat her, just keep sliming her. “They never discuss the real message and never show crowd size or enthusiasm”. He and his wife, Kathy, listed other issues with which they agree with Trump, like his pledge to address ISIS. “I dunno. Corruption. I would say it was influential corporations working with government… to maximize their own profits”, said Jackson, 23, from Wilmington, who asked to not have last his name published because of privacy concerns. “If the numbers look like this in a month, I’ll feel better”.

Trump himself regularly complains about the content of Clinton’s paid television ads.

No Republican has ever won the White House without winning Ohio.

She said Trump “has not perfected the art of political speech and figuring out how to parse your words together in a way where they actually mean nothing”.

You would have thought a widespread vote-rigging conspiracy that everybody knew about would have been great target for Pennsylvania’s attorneys general, all of whom had been Republicans since 1979.

That answer was widely panned by Clinton’s critics and rated “mostly false” by Politifact.

“Every policy that has failed this city and so many others is a policy supported by Hillary Clinton”, Trump told the Detroit Economic Club. Democrats already have 200 staffers and say they’re aiming for 100 offices in Florida. “If I said that, they’d be calling for the death penalty”.


Still, campaigning in CT is raising eyebrows among many Republicans nervous about Trump’s slipping poll numbers in a series of key swing states and battlegrounds – and even some usual GOP turf.

For Trump supporters, election fraud is a real fear