
Trump brushes off as sarcasm his comments about Obama and Islamic State

The Democratic Party insisted questions had to be answered given the “pro-[Russian President Vladimir] Putin policy stances adopted by Donald Trump”.


He told a crowd, “I’m not running against Crooked Hillary”. “We have to call up law enforcement”.

He wanted the voters themselves to get involved as well. Still, they say that his connections to the political and business interests of the deposed government seem to make it unlikely he didn’t know about the rampant corruption, which included funneling of cash to offshore companies. It was in MI where Trump delivered his indictment this past week of trade measures enacted under recent Democratic presidents, especially the North American Free Trade Agreement. “Please fill out this form to receive more information about becoming a volunteer Trump Election Observer”.

Last week 70 Republicans wrote a letter urging the RNC to stop helping Trump and to focus instead on candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

The 730,000 young people known as DREAMERs are prohibited from voting but they’ve helped mobilize many Latinos who can. “If that’s what this is, I’d be relieved, but he’s playing with fire here”. A 2013 Supreme Court ruling limited the Department of Justice’s ability to deploy election observers with full access to polling places. If Trump is violating the decree, the DNC could ask for an extension of up to eight years, according to Hasen.

An independent poll released this past week by Marquette University found Trump down 15 percentage points among likely voters in the state.

“To be clear, liberals love to throw out the voter intimidation card”.

The US presidential election is an indirect one – voters in each state technically pick a slate of party electors – not one of the candidates – when they cast their ballots.

Trump’s latest moves echoed – but went even further than – his statements last week in OH that he’s “afraid the election is going to be rigged”. “The only way they can beat it, in my opinion, and I mean this 100 percent, if in certain sections of the state they cheat, OK?”

It’s notable that Trump made these remarks in Pennsylvania.

“Starting on Day One, we will work with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new, good-paying jobs since World War II”, Clinton told the MI audience Thursday.

“We’re so honoured to be working with Donald Trump and the campaign”, Priebus told thousands of Trump supporters.

Voter ID laws have always been criticized as a masked strategy to discourage minorities from voting.

Republicans frequently trace the birth of ISIS to the Obama administration’s decision to withdraw the last United States forces from Iraq by the end of 2011. “Election fraud has been a concern for a very long time”. It’s what the RNC consent decree is trying to prevent, and it’s not restricted to the GOP either.


However, the lack of coverage of Clinton’s ambitious domestic agenda includes not pushing back on whether this is campaign trail magical thinking, or she has a path to the finish line that Obama hasn’t had or the political skill to arrive there. He drew heavy criticism after he suggested gun rights activists could take action against Clinton, a statement he later said was aimed at rallying votes against her.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a coal mining roundtable at Fitzgerald Peterbilt in Glade Spring Va