
Trump Slams Debate Schedule with Hillary as ‘Unacceptable’

Trump’s campaign later conceded to ABC that he had not, in fact, received a letter.


And with upwards of 22.5 million viewers tuning into Sunday Night Football a year ago, one of the two programs is likely going to lose out on viewers. “And I was told they set up a schedule last fall and neither campaign – because who knew, we didn’t know who the nominees would be – were involved”, Clinton reportedly said.

“I don’t think we should be against the NFL”, Trump told ABC’s “This Week”.

Out of six VP debates since 1992, the 2012 showdown between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan – up against “Thursday Night Football” on the NFL Network – attracted the second-biggest audience. “Because the debates are going to be pretty massive, from what I understand, OK?” NFL PR spokesman Brian McCarthy denied any such letter was sent.

The Commission announced the dates and sites of the debates in September 2015.

The Commission on Presidential Debates, which consulted with officials in both parties before creating the schedule, says it is impossible to avoid all sporting events and it stands by the schedule, the New York Times reports.

The Falcons vs. the Saints are playing during the Monday night Hofstra University debate.

The two games that oppose that debates, September 26, a “Monday Night Football” matchup that features the Saints vs. the Falcons.

On “Reliable Sources”, Miller said Trump had been notified of the overlap by a “source” close to the league. The aide was not authorized to speak by name and requested anonymity.

Still, there are four nights of the week without football, raising the question as to why the Commission would intentionally schedule against the most popular programming on television.

“We’re going to be working with the commission and what they’re putting together”, Preibus said on CBS. And that’s where we stand on the issue. The ever-outspoken Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has already made his presence felt after the Democratic National Convention, having exchanges in the press with the father of a fallen soldier, while another target of his ire has been the debate schedule. Friday and Saturday are historically low TV viewership nights. The Sanders campaign suggested that was an effort to limit the size of the audience. She doesn’t – maybe like she did with Bernie Sanders, where they were on Saturday nights when nobody’s home’. “Why are the debates against, ‘” he told Stephanopoulos.

But in 2008, 2004 and 2000, none of the three presidential debates each year fell on an National Football League game night.


“I am going to be there”. Given that nobody in a position of authority at the league is backing up the claim, I have no idea why he would have said that, but it’s equally true that the NFL isn’t wild about the plan.

Hillary Clinton told reporters today that she would be at all three scheduled debate countering Donald Trump's reluctance to appear on nights when there are also National Football League games