
Trump looking to institute political tests for immigrants

Donald Trump on Monday will lay out his strategy for defeating radical Islamic terrorism, painting the fight as an ideological struggle on par with that of the Cold War. In any case where it can not perform adequate screenings, the US would not issue a visa.


Quoting the Republican candidate, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah also accused Trump’s Democratic Party rival Hillary Clinton of helping create the militant group.

After the Pulse shooting in Orlando, Florida, in June, Trump wanted to temporarily ban foreign Muslims from entering the U.S. Republican leaders hope he will stay on message, criticizing the policies of President Barack Obama and Clinton in a substantive way, and not wander into the mine field of insults and grudges that add to the impression among numerous voters that he is an unpredictable hothead.

Under Trump’s new immigration policy, the government would use questionnaires, social media, interviews with friends and family or other means to determine if applicants support American values like tolerance and pluralism.

“Mr. Trump will outline his vision for defeating radical Islamic terrorism, and explain how the policies of Obama-Clinton are responsible for the rise of ISIS and the spread of barbarism that has taken the lives of so many”, Miller said Sunday in an email, using an alternative acronym for the Islamic State group.

The foreign policy speech is a complement to the economy speech that Trump gave last week, aides said, describing them as twin pillars of the candidate’s policy agenda.

“The words of Donald Trump are remarkable because they once again echo the arguments used by Russian President Vladimir Putin and our opponents to attack American leaders and United States interests while neglecting to make serious proposals to fight against terrorism”, said the adviser of Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan.

Gov. Mike Pence spoke with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday about a variety of topics, including Trump’s anticipated revelation on his plan for ISIS and new revelations that reveal a possible “pay-to-play” scandal involving the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s Clinton’s State Department.

Ben Domenech joined “The Kelly File” discuss the media’s reaction to Donald Trump’s comments blaming President Obama and Hillary Clinton for ISIS.


Trump went on a Twitter rant against the press, complaining that the “disgusting” media is not showing the crowd size of his rallies and is putting “false meaning into the words I say”. For the protection of AP and its licensors, content may not be copied, altered or redistributed in any form. Please see our terms of service for more information.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gives a speech on the economy after touring Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren Mich. Thursday Aug. 11 2016