
Clintons earned $10.75 million last year, paid 34.2 percent federal tax rate

As her billionaire rival Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to release his own, multi-millionaire Hillary Clinton sought to highlight her opponent’s financial obfuscation on Friday by making her own family’s 2015 tax returns public.


It is comments like those that Mrs Clinton has seized on to try to contrast her “serious, steady leadership” with the more volatile approach she says Mr Trump would take to running the country. Their income was down sharply from $US28 million in 2014, when they paid an effective tax rate of more than 35%. Her campaign is also releasing returns from running mate Tim Kaine and his wife.

The Clintons’ income was down from 2014, when they had a total income of about $28 million. Trump could become the first major-party nominee to not release returns since 1976.

Finally, a tax return could show what kind of financial ties Trump has to foreign countries – including Russian Federation, which has seemingly sought to meddle in the 2016 election through a possible email hack of numerous Democratic campaign entities.

It’s well known that Trump wants to cut the top corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%.

Trump says he won’t release them until Internal Revenue Service completes audits of his returns.

USA presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign has released her tax return – and challenged Donald Trump to do likewise.

A Wall Street Journal/NBCNews/Marist poll released Friday shows that Clinton has opened a wide lead over Trump in the battleground states of Colorado, North Carolina and Virginia. They previously have made more than 30 years of their returns public. Over the last decade, the couple has donated 7.5 percent of their income to charity, the campaign said, and paid an effective tax rate of 25.6 percent previous year. Over 60% of the Clintons’ $10.6 million income comes from speeches.

Clinton’s tax returns have been made public, in some form, every year since 1977. Clinton has pounced on this in the past, suggesting that Trump is not trustworthy – a criticism that many on the right have level against her. Manafort said that only local media covered Trump’s rallies in swing states the past week and that the media didn’t report on newly released emails that provided additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at the State Department.


Trump critics, including 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, have criticized the nominee for refusing to release his returns and have raised questions as to whether he is being truthful about his net worth and his business ties. NY billionaire Donald Trumpofficially accepted the presidential nomination of the U.S. Republican Party Thursday night on the final day of the Republican National Convention.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reacts while greeting supporters after giving a speech on the economy at Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren Mich. Thursday Aug. 11 2016