
Kevin Conroy Has Advice For Playing Batman in “Justice League”

If it’s just killers versus killers, than Batman isn’t much of a hero.


“The temptation is to over-act because you feel such an obligation to completely flesh out the character in just the two or three lines you have”, Conroy continued, “and you have to resist that temptation and trust the fact that you know the character so well”.

Conroy added that Batman was the truest form of Bruce Wayne and while Bruce Wayne was a man with a considerable amount of qualities that should be frowned upon, he wasn’t a killer. It’s hard to pinpoint where, when or why it became a rule of Batman’s character – or why some think it so rigid a point – but hey, that’s what makes comic book characters and their many interpretations so much fun. Even Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, he seemed to battle with the idea a bit more than Ben Affleck did ahead of his fight with Superman. Personally, I still would love for him to keep voicing the Joker in other projects, but if he chose to stick with Batman, I’d be 100 percent OK with it. But now Diane Lane, who played Martha Kent, the surrogate mother to Clark Kent, in both Batman V Superman and Man Of Steel, has come out insisted that all of the criticism regarding this scene is unjust, and that it actually works. I think it’s really interesting to see different actors in the role, to see what they bring to the character.

While the game did receive mixed reviews when it came out, the one thing that I never saw get critiqued was Baker’s Joker and Smith’s portrayal of Batman.

If Kevin Conroy were to ever retire playing Batman (which I hope he never does) there is one person who I would immediately vote for replacing him: Bruce Greenwood. Honestly, I loved this Batman – Smith did a great job of creating his own voice for the character while sounding like a younger version of Conroy’s Batman from previous entries in the Arkham franchise.

“I love the fact that Warner Brothers have for the live-action Batman changed the casting so frequently”.

Do you agree with Kevin Conroy? Or did Batman V Superman sour you on the DCEU?


So those are my personal picks for the best voice actors of Batman other than the legendary Kevin Conroy.

The Top 5 Batman Voice Actors Other Than Kevin Conroy