
Clinton Blasts Trump, Pacific Trade Deal at Speech in MI

Clinton was not expected to come out with any major new policies during her remarks.


The Republican nominee suggested the “T” might stand for Trump.

The Clintons donated 9.8 percent of their gross income of $10.6 million to charity organizations, according to the return, published on the candidate’s Web page.

Clinton’s campaign also released 10 years of returns from running mate Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton. “There’s nothing to learn from them”, he said.

The campaign noted that the couple have now released all their tax returns dating to 1977.

But Spicer said giving up on Trump could be harmful to other Republican candidates and there was still time for him to rebound in opinion polls against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

They paid $63,626 in federal taxes past year, for a tax rate of 20.3 percent. The source spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans in advance. “I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return, nobody is going to arrest us, there are no rules against showing your tax returns, and just let people ask us questions about the items that are on there”.

He noted that Trump had visited key battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida repeatedly and was “starting to get traction in those states”.

Manafort said Trump’s point about the Second Amendment is that people who support gun rights should be concerned about Clinton’s candidacy. “He made a career out of stiffing small businesses”. On Friday, his office confirmed that Clinton also halted his business dealings with GEMS Education a year ago.

Trump, a NY businessman, and his lawyers have cited an audit by the Internal Revenue Service as a reason for his refusal to release his returns. With few exceptions, Trump has provided more of a philosophical basis for an economic plan than specifics, although he did call for greater child care deductions for families.

Polls since the Democratic National Convention in late July show Mrs. Clinton leading Mr. Trump, which Mr. Sessions attributed to the post-convention bump and “this kind of negative press coverage of things that are not that significant”.

Anyone who makes their living from a paycheck, however, would face much higher rates. The former manufacturing powerhouse has been hard hit by the decline of the automobile industry and the real estate market. Trump’s campaign quickly released a statement saying the comments were meant only to rally gun owners to participate politically as a voting bloc.

“The media chose to take her, Clinton – the Clinton campaign narrative – and go on attack on Donald Trump”, Manafort said.


“Maybe that’s lucky”, Trump said.

Republican U.S. Presidential nominee Donald Trump has been accused of making a veiled suggestion that assassination could stop a President Hillary Clinton from appointing Supreme Court justices who would scrap the Second Amendment