
Clinton 30 Points Ahead Of Trump In New York

The Clintons donated 9.8 percent of their gross income of $10.6 million to charity organizations, according to the return, published on the candidate’s Web page.


Her bid for the White House forced Clinton to give up her primary source of income: paid speeches.

The couple;s income in 2014 was $28.3 million, more than cut in half in 2015 to $10.6 million – most of that brought in by Bill. “All told, the Clintons have made their tax returns public for every year dating back to 1977”, according to the news release.

Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, reported adjusted gross income of $313,441 in 2015.

Her opponent’s refusal to release his own returns makes Clinton’s wealth and its origins harder for Republicans to assail.

Sean Spicer, RNC communications director, said in a telephone interview that abandoning Trump with almost three months to go to the November 8 election “doesn’t make logical sense”.

Donald Trump told a rally in Altoona, Pa., on Friday night that the only way Hillary Clinton could win the state was if “in certain sections of the state they cheat”.

From 2007 to 2015, the Clintons have earned $150 million and given $16 million to charity.

“These things, just because you say them, they’re not – they’re not true”, Tapper said.

In 2014, she earned almost $10.5 million in speaking fees, exceeding the $9.7 million her husband Bill was paid for doing the same. It shouldn’t be a question of either or, both the emails and Trump’s tax returns should have been released.

The latest cover story of Time magazine had an illustration of Mr. Trump with the headline “Meltdown”, while Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week” said the Republican presidential campaign is in a “full summer slide”.

Trump also dropped his recent efforts to say he was not being serious when he said Obama was the “founder” of the Islamic State militant group.

In October 1996 the RNC moved money from the presidential race to congressional candidates after Republican nominee Bob Dole fell far behind Democratic President Bill Clinton in opinion polls.

Donald Trump minutes ago posted a tweet lamenting America’s First Amendment protections for the press, continuing his charges that the media is unfair to him.

In an effort to take the issue completely off the table, the campaign also released 10 years of her running mate Sen.


“We want to see the records the night of Benghazi that explain why Secretary Clinton didn’t send in reinforcements as soon as the attack had begun”, he said of the 2012 assault on the USA consulate in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador.

The Latest: Trump defends calling Obama 'founder' of IS