
Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) Opens Up Its Past Tweet Repository

By using this tool one can access each public tweet made from the beginning of the micro blogging site Twitter nine years ago.


Twitter has just announced a new API called Full-Archive Search which provides the power to access any public Tweet ever sent.

Businesses rely on information, sometimes historical data, to make sound decisions, and Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) is coming to help on that front.

The new offering greatly expands the search capabilities previously provided by Twitter and Gnip’s 30-day search tools and Historical PowerTrack.

Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) hopes that the archive tool will be of great importance for business users. For individual account holders, there were no such limits even earlier. The solution is expected to help the struggling social media company to generate much needed revenue by engaging with the ecosystem of “partners”.

For a long time, Gnip was the only place where marketers could access Twitter data in real time, and now the social network is giving the Gnip staff credit by integrating and expanding their original services. The approach could be changed based on inferences the companies can draw after analysing past tweets linked to their company.

It’s a pretty wonderful service to be able to offer companies and should give a stunning overview of the meteoric rise of Twitter as it moves towards a future of more monetisation and brand engagement.


Queries using the Full-Archive Search API can use search specifications “to the granularity of a minute, going back to March 2006”, according to Gnip.

The Entire Twitter Inc Public Tweets Archive Is Up For Grabs