
Clinton releases tax return showing US$10.6m income

After weeks of pressuring Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to reveal his tax returns, Hillary Clinton released her income tax returns on Friday.


According to their joint return, the Clintons made $10.6 million in 2015, significantly less than the almost $28 million they made the year before when the former secretary of state was still doing paid speaking engagements.

Clinton meanwhile has released her tax returns, piling more pressure on her billionaire rival to do the same.

The Republican and Democratic candidates in the last nine presidential elections – since Ronald Reagan in 1980 – have released tax returns at least for the previous year, according to Politifact.

Releasing tax returns hasn’t cost a presidential candidate an election, Thorndike said. “All told, the Clintons have made their tax returns public for every year dating back to 1977”, according to the news release. Trump has refused to make his filings public, saying they’re under audit by the Internal Revenue Service and that he’ll release them only once that review is complete.

If the Trump campaign is going to raise questions about the Clinton Foundation’s financial dealings, which are fair game, his own business dealings and tax returns should be fair game.

“The records we need to see are those being hidden, deleted, obstructed and stashed away by Hillary Clinton to keep authorities from untangling this corrupt scheme that reaches into the world’s shady corridors of power”, he said.

And she claimed that Republican nominee Donald Trump’s tax plan would have a negative downstream impact on healthcare.

Their income tax burden are was 30.6% which is on par with their 32% effective rate in 2014.

Clinton led Trump by more than five percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.

The Clintons overpaid the Treasury and got a refund of more than $1 million.

Although the claim is unsubstantiated, Clinton is ramping up the pressure on her Republican rival to release, at the very least, prior years of his tax filings that aren’t now being audited.


The Clintons main sources of income were Mr Clinton s paid speeches, to the tune of $5.2 million, and a payment to Hillary Clinton from the publisher of her last book, Simon & Schuster, for three million dollars. Their main investment was a low-priced index mutual fund, and the Clintons reported dividend and interest income of $109,000.

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