
Republican Asia experts say Trump presidency would be ‘ruinous’

In a campaign appearance Saturday at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, New Hampshire, Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine urged supporters not to let favorable polling and positive punditry make them complacent when it comes to voting for the Democratic ticket.


Huey called Trump a “demagogue” and said journalists are his new scapegoat: “First it was the Mexicans, then it was the Muslims, now it’s you”. “The Trump-Pence campaign has all the staffing and resources we need to win in OH, and we are reaching out beyond the Republican base to independents and disaffected Democrats”, he said in a statement.

Donald Trump is sinking like a rock.

“Trump is right that most of the media want him to lose”, wrote The Wall Street Journal editorial board Sunday, noting that is “true of every Republican presidential nominee”.

I’m not sure if Trump plans all of this.

Trump has called President Barack Obama the “founder” of the Islamic State group.

He added, “Instead, you took an aside that the Clinton narrative told you was something, Mr. Trump told you he didn’t mean, and you played it out for two days”. I have one resume here for Hillary Clinton.

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union”, the former George W. Bush Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said he was “afraid” of what Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would do to the country if elected president.

“If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn’t put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20%”, Trump said Sunday in one of seven anti-media tweets. Now, even Trump supporters are joining the chorus. Portman sends volunteers to Clinton events to pass out his flyers.

Clinton receives 50 percent of support from registered voters, while Trump receives 25 percent, Johnson gets 9 percent and Stein captures 6 percent if the election was held today.

He noted that Trump had visited key battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida repeatedly and was “starting to get traction in those states”.

There really was no good news for Donald Trump with this latest poll. Mahoning County Republican Party Chairman Mark Munroe didn’t know beforehand about Trump’s visit, saying the Trump campaign operates autonomous from local campaigns.

Right-wing website and top Trump booster Breitbart News released its own poll Sunday, the first for the conservative site. The campaign tried to spin this as an “enthusiastic” positive but it clearly wasn’t. A spokesman for the governor’s office referred all tax-related questions to his vice presidential campaign.


“When they write dishonest stories, we should be a little bit tough”, he said Saturday. “I think he could attract more voters if he would just focus on trade policy and jobs, because people around here care a lot about those things”. Over the last decade, the couple has donated 7.5 percent of their income to charity, the campaign said, and paid an effective tax rate of 25.6 percent a year ago. “It is a reflection of both the breadth of our organization here, as well as the seriousness with which we view the work they are doing”, she said.

Trump makes a pitch for Connecticut, a Democratic stronghold