
Biden: Trump is ‘thoroughly unqualified’ for presidency

Vice President Joe Biden called Donald Trump clueless on foreign policy and a fanboy of dictators, telling an audience in an appearance on Monday with Hillary Clinton that Trump “would have loved Stalin”.


Trump also said Clinton lacks the judgement and “moral character” to be president, adding she lacks the “mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS”. “It’s a recipe for playing into the hands of terrorists”.

They are scheduled to campaign in working-class Scranton, Pa., Biden’s hometown.

Referring to the GOP nominee’s comments encouraging Russian Federation to hack Clinton’s emails, he said, “This guy’s shame has no limits”.

Clinton’s comments attacking the GOP candidate drew cheers, boos and ovations from the distinctly partisan crowd.

The vice president says Trump is “unqualified” to be president, arguing he lacks any kind of foreign policy experience or interest to learn about global challenges. He doesn’t seem to want to learn, he doesn’t seem to think it matters.

On the economy, he said, Trump’s reveling in his TV reality show tag-line, “You’re fired”, showed his true colors.

Biden grew up in Scranton and spent summers in the town after moving to DE at age 10. “That’s Hillary Clinton. That’s who she is”.

” I was christened at the Methodist Church on Court Street”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is getting an assist from Joe Biden in Pennsylvania on Monday.

For many of Biden’s fans and long-time allies, the vice president’s appearance at the convention was bittersweet.

The joint rally comes as Clinton has been polling well in the Keystone State.

And while Trump is visiting the Youngstown State University campus Monday afternoon, Clinton will be in Cleveland on Wednesday. Clinton is favored 59-36 by Pennsylvania women.

Overall, Trump’s strategy relies on maximizing his advantage with white working-class voters to offset Clinton’s strength with other groups, particularly nonwhite voters. Carol Boone, 67, of East Stroudsburg, made the trip because Clinton is a “better choice than the other guy”.

Zemek said her daughter, Alexa, is 13 and has cerebral palsy after incurring a traumatic brain injury at birth, requiring 24-hour nursing care.

“Who can resist that smile?” she said, laughing.

Clinton also has ties to the town.

In her remarks, Clinton likewise rejected Trump’s qualifications for office and urged supporters to make her case to their neighbors.

“I’m heading from here, getting on a plane and flying to Kosovo, then to Serbia, then I’m going to the Baltic States”, he said in Scranton.

Hillary Clinton said Trump’s hotels offer services for guests over employees, pointing out a program called “Trump kids”. Let’s state the obvious: “This is not Donald Trump’s life story”.


One lobbyist, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, told STAT earlier this summer that the biomedical industry and cancer researchers still needed to be convinced “that it’s not window dressing, that it’s a real attempt to make meaningful changes and differences in the way research is conducted”.

Vice President Joe Biden is jumping into the election cycle by joining Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail