
State Department to turn over emails recovered from Clinton server

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of “pay for play” during her tenure at the State Department, calling her behavior illegal. In this kind of contest, hidden information are disinterred, used as weapon of defeat.


The former U.S. president said Mrs Clinton should have known that there would be a different set of rules applied to her if she ran for the White House.

He has appeared near the top of the Foundation’s donor list as a Dollars 1 million to USD 5 million contributor, according to foundation documents. He also pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative.

On Tuesday, the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released some new emails involving Clinton’s staff, including one in which a longtime adviser to Bill Clinton wrote to Clinton’s State Department aides requesting a meeting for a longtime Clinton Foundation donor.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential nominee, won’t go another week in between email-related controversies.

In one of the emails, a Clinton Foundation executive pressed for access for a donor – a Lebanese/Nigerian billionaire – to the proper State Department official to talk about the businessman’s interests in Lebanon.

The email is heavily redacted, but it appears as though Band was passing along a note from someone who had recently traveled to Haiti on a Clinton Foundation trip and was subsequently looking for a job at the State Department. We do know Abedin wrote back, “We all have him on our radar”. The documents were released after a court order in a May 5, 2015, Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit against the State Department.

Clinton’s response was part of a lengthy response to being asked why his wife lied about her emails. In the email Band says Chagoury is a “key guy there [Lebanon] and to us”.

Lynch, as we know, had a private meeting with Bill Clinton last month, just before the Federal Bureau of Investigation interviewed Hillary.

Abedin responded that the “substance person” was “jeff feltman” – a former USA ambassador to Lebanon. “Everybody I know. helps their friends”, he said.

“I have never met nor spoken with Mr Chagoury”. According to the official, Band was recommending a young person who had done some advance work for Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.

“If you’re going to raise money for anything – for the Girl Scouts or the Clinton Foundation or anything – you ask your friends”, Capuano said. Clinton said she turned over to the State Department all documents from her private account. In fact, many point to Clinton’s Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills as an example of the State Department’s involvement in the Clinton Foundation. Victor Pinchuk had also made donations to the Clinton foundation.


The Justice Department declined to investigate, according to the report, because it had already looked into similar allegations and found there was not sufficient evidence to open a case.

No Scandal in New State Department Emails, but Hillary Still Has Some Explaining to Do