
Donald Trump says he’s prepared to spend millions on White House campaign

Real-estate magnate Donald Trump continues to hold his grip on the top of the Republican presidential primary field in Iowa, according to a new poll released Tuesday. “This is a tough business, and it’s time now to move forward”.


During an August. 12 appearance on WIBX’s Keeler in the Morning, Nugent defended Trump, whom he says is his favorite presidential candidate, by making crude comments about Kelly and suggesting she may be becoming “stupid“.

For now, Trump says he is sticking with his position that he could opt for a third-party run if the Republican Party doesn’t treat him well.

Dulcy Forte of Austin, Texas, countered that Trump’s bigger sin was his refusal in the debate to pledge support to the eventual GOP nominee if it’s not him. “Do we want to win?”

What Trump drives home through ill-considered remarks about Mexican immigrants, former Vietnam POW John McCain and now Fox News host Megyn Kelly is that he’s no plain-spoken candidate of character.

Given the billionaire’s popularity, “Ailes had to make peace”, said Roger Stone, a Trump senior adviser who recently left the campaign in disputed circumstances.

Paradoxically, media attention to Trump’s comments about Kelly may be helping him shore up support.

A week later, it’s all but forgotten – thanks to Donald Trump. “There. Is. No. Excuse”. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Monday called Trump “an empty suit” and “a bully” in a conference call with reporters. “Now that he’s running for president, it’s a little more troubling”.

Among respondents who watched the debate, Trump fell into an overall tie with Walker when voters were asked their first choice for the GOP nomination. “They are killers. They are phenomenal”, Trump said on ABC’s “This Week”.

She said Trump will match any money coming in. “I haven’t seen a lot of that in this campaign”.

Trump accused her of political correctness and of not treating him with respect. “We don’t like it when Democrats do it”. Fueled by the 24 million viewers of the debate, Fox had its most successful week ever last week, according to Adweek.

“They want someone who’s an outsider, who can upset the applecart”, said Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Iowa Republican Party.

Asked by Fox News’ Sean Hannity during an interview if raising the Monica Lewinsky affair against the Clintons in a hypothetical matchup between he and Hillary Clinton would be fair game, Trump said: “I guess it is”. “I got (the two development projects) because I know how to get things done”. Furthermore, their anger is unfocussed and, to the extent it’s rooted in racially tinged perceptions of illegal immigration or of the nation’s first black president, repellent. Like Clinton, Trump has charisma to burn, is supremely confident in his abilities and has a gut instinct for where the public is on certain issues.


Huckabee, even in his frustration Saturday, said Trump has “tapped into an anger” among the electorate. “I cherish women. And I will be great on women’s health issues”. And at least for right now, the Republican establishment is taking a cue from Kasich and is letting the Trump campaign ride it out.

Top-Polling GOP Candidates Participate In First Republican Presidential Debate