
Crowds continue to build for Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders

Mr Sanders has also been cast into the spotlight after drawing huge crowds to rallies and townhall meetings across the US.


As the only major candidate without a super PAC, relying on small donor money, many have said Bernie Sanders does not have a chance. His campaign sent an email to reporters titled, “What Real Climate Leadership Looks Like”, just before Clinton’s plan was released. Very few have even heard of him. Her campaign has said Clinton is prepared to answer any questions about the server while stressing that there is no criminal probe against her.

Vice President Joe Biden, who has not formally launched a campaign, ran a distant third with nine percent while other Democratic candidates garnered less than one percent each.

But perhaps the most worrying development for Clinton is that, as the wheels of justice tend to grind slowly in Washington, the issue, which has dogged her campaign right from the beginning, is not soon going away.

Sanders has attracted record-breaking crowds among grass roots supporters since declaring his candidacy for the Democratic nomination – including 19,000 in Portland on Sunday night – but he is seen by many in the party mainstream as too radical to get elected. “She is so poll-driven, I felt sorry for her. I felt sorry for her sitting in that room”, DeMoro said.

The poll found that 44 percent of likely Democratic primary voters support Sanders, while 37 percent favor Clinton.

The rally began taking on the issue head-on as Symone Sanders – Bernie Sanders’ new national press secretary who is not related to the candidate – opened the program and talked at length about racial injustice.

New Hampshire, it is important to remember, represented something of a firewall for Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Johnnie Moore, former senior vice president of the university, who had been in charge of running the convocation speaker series during his time at the school, referred to Sanders’ acceptance of the invitation as an “incredibly courageous and savvy move”, according to CNN. Today, Republican candidate Scott Walker had this to say. “And it should be to the press, not just to those of us who have been doing this work for so long”. “That was something that really touched my heart, and I appreciate it, because most likely, I don’t think that was cool for him to do back then, but he still marched”.


It’s still early in the presidential race but two unexpected names are leading the way. But for now, if you line up all the candidates’ poll numbers as a kind of vertical bar chart on the Republican side, Trump’s numbers are the tallest tree in a short forest.

Claire McCaskill dumps on Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders' presidential bids