
Biden torches Trump in first campaign appearance for Clinton

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden touched on their Scranton roots, but hammered Republican nominee Donald Trump on Monday as a lousy choice for president in their latest return here. Biden quoted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. “That’s the thing about Scranton.I trust the people who get a feeling that starts in their gut and moves to their heart”. And on NBC, reporter Andrea Mitchell noted something similar, “Clinton today bringing along Scranton’s hometown hero to make her case, even stopping at his childhood home”. Meanwhile, Biden said Scranton “deserves someone who’s made of the same stuff”. Take a look at what he’s talking about.


But he says “We can not allow the Internet to be used as a recruiting tool”.

Clinton spoke for about 30 minutes and then Biden took the stage and spoke for almost an hour, giving his full endorsement to Clinton and blasting Trump in the process.

US Vice President Joe Biden has said that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s ideas are very unsafe and un-American while he attacked the billionaire of playing into the hands of Islamic State by his anti-Muslim rhetoric. “You can’t trust Donald Trump”.

Clinton, for her part, mocked Trump’s campaign speeches. A number of polls show Clinton opening up a double digit lead on Trump, including here in Pennsylvania.

Clinton wasted little time before attacking her opponent, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Biden said Trump could not be trusted to determine the fate of USA troops such as his recently deceased son Beau.

Biden’s first campaign appearance on behalf of the Democratic nominee blended blue-collar outreach with stinging rebukes of Trump from a man who, Biden reminded the crowd, travels with his own copies of the nation’s nuclear weapons codes.

Vice President Biden tore into Donald Trump on Monday during a rally for Hillary Clinton in Scranton, Pa., calling his ideas “dangerous” and “un-American”.

“He doesn’t seem to want to learn”, Biden added.

VEGA: It is Biden’s first time of the campaign trail, side by side with the woman he publicly pondered running against. Non-college-educated whites make up a greater share of the electorate in Pennsylvania, as well as OH and MI, making them states in which Trump supporters hoped he could make inroads. As secretary of state, Clinton was eager to arm Syrian rebels and advocated for the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2010; Biden was a more dovish adviser. “Well I say then deal me in”.

Biden’s vows of sincerity-“I sincerely mean this” and “from the bottom of my heart”-are the dressings on his folkish appeal”.

It’s the latest signal of the attention that both candidates are showing to Pennsylvania, which has been viewed as a battleground state.

Hillary Clinton says that if elected, she plans to ask Joe Biden to continue his effort to end cancer by improving research and treatment of the disease.

“His wonderful son Beau, a great father, a great public servant, a great human being, passed away previous year, so this is personal to Joe Biden”, Clinton said. “You know one of the reasons I’m going?”

“Hillary has forgotten more about American foreign policy than Trump and his entire – I’m not exaggerating – his entire team will ever understand”, he said at one point.

HILLARY CLINTON: We’re going to make the biggest investment in new good paying jobs since World War II.


Trump says that maybe it would have been better if, instead of traveling the globe, Clinton had stayed home.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden speaking separately at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia