
Donald Trump Calls For ‘Extreme Vetting’ Of Immigrants To US

“The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today”.


The nominee said: “We will stop processing visas from those areas until such time as it is deemed safe to resume based on new circumstances or new procedures”.

Donald Trump’s ISIS battle plan, which includes “extreme vetting” of immigrants for anti-American sentiments, had him sticking to a script one political watchdog urged him to adopt more often. “Keep the oil, keep the oil, I said”. Obama discarded that strategy while trying to keep enough US influence there to prevent those two countries from crumbling. The government would use questionnaires, social media, interviews with friends and family or other means to determine if applicants support American values like tolerance and pluralism.

The US would stop issuing visas in any case where it can not perform adequate screenings.

It is unclear how US officials would assess the veracity of responses to the questionnaires or how much manpower it would require to complete such arduous vetting. “In addition, to scrape out all members of the sympathisers of terrorist groups, we must also screen out any hostile attitude towards our country or its principles, or who believed Sharia law should supplant American law”, he said.

“We will defeat radical Islamic terrorism just as we have defeated every threat we’ve faced at every age and before”, Trump said, blaming his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, and President Barack Obama for aiding the rise of Islamic State.

Immigration from these areas would cease, at least temporarily.

Republican Donald Trump said on Monday he would work closely with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies to defeat Islamic State militants if he wins the White House, reversing an earlier threat that the United States might not meet its obligations to the Western military alliance.

“If I become president, the era of nation-building will be brought to a very swift and decisive end”. Our new approach must be to halt the spread of Radical Islam. All actions should be oriented to this goal and any country which shares this goal will be our ally. We can not allow the internet to be used as a recruiting tool and for other purposes by our enemy.

Also, fact checkers with the Associated Press wrote: “Trump seems to be confusing Obama and Clinton’s limited interventions, and sometimes non-interventions, with President George W. Bush’s post-9/11 regime-change efforts”.

NATO is a military alliance of European and North American democracies founded after World War II to strengthen global ties between member states, especially the United States and Europe, to serve as a counter-balance to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. He said that if elected he would convene an worldwide conference on the topic and work closely with Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Russia, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation alliance and “all others who recognize this ideology of death that must be extinguished”.

Trump softened the tone of previous comments on a number of things, including his description of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as “obsolete” and filled with members who don’t pay their fair share for USA “protection”. Very good. Very Very Good.

“I also believe that we could find common ground with Russian Federation in the fight against ISIS”. This despite the USA and their local ground forces reportedly killing at least 25,000 IS fighters, and perhaps as many as 45,000, in recent years.

For more information, view the above video. “People coming up to us, young men, just saying, ‘we want signs.’ I think his message is generating throughout all generations”.

Former defence minister and former USA ambassador to the United States Kim Beazley has warned this could challenge Australia’s national security and wreck the crucial security alliance with the United States. “That would affect in a major way some of our most important trading partners and it would destabilise enormously the relationship we have in the north part of Asia with Japan and (South) Korea and that would have an effect on us”. “Beyond that, we admit hundreds of thousands of temporary workers and visitors from the same regions”, he said.

Trump acknowledged the need for global cooperation in achieving this goal, and even called for an worldwide conference with our allies in the fight against radical Islamists. “And what absolutely amazes me, what actually amazes me, that he doesn’t seem to want to learn it”.


Trump is facing an urgent need to counter a Clinton campaign charge that could pose an existential threat to his campaign – the idea that he lacks the knowledge and gravitas to be commander-in-chief – and to quell panic among Republicans who fear he is driving their ticket into the ground.

Donald Trump Will Make Immigrants Entering The U.S. Pass A Test About Their Views On LGBT Rights & Gender