
Biden Shows Childhood Scranton Home To Clinton

After Biden bragged about how the nuclear codes were with him, he said that Trump was “not qualified” to know the nuclear launch codes. “I really mean it”. Give me a break. “To keep him from going of the judgment was based on Trump’s decisions”.


The vice president’s visit underscores the US government’s desire to maintain influence in the Balkans as Moscow works to keep Serbia – one of Russia’s last remaining ex-communist allies in the region – within its fold.

Mrs. Clinton said she is aware some locals might have friends leaning for Mr. Trump.

Biden said Trump’s ideas were “not only profoundly wrong, they’re very unsafe and they’re very un-American”.

Protesters also were outside, including Dunmore resident Mary Noldy, who wore a blue Donald Trump shirt and white baseball cap with the candidate’s “Make America Great Again” slogan printed on them. Clinton, while growing up outside of Chicago, spent summers at Lake Winola outside of the Pennsylvania town.

Clinton was riding to the rally with Biden in the motorcade to their first joint campaign event. Biden said he’s “not about character assassination”, but felt compelled to condemn Trump’s demeanor. Trump’s proud touting of his ignorance is a danger to the country, but Joe Biden, the blue collar guy for Scranton, destroyed the myth of Donald Trump blue collar billionaire by pointing out that Trump’s blood runs blue, and his values aren’t middle class. “She’s corrupt”, said Frank Rybak, a retiree from Tunkhannock who stood next to a tractor-trailer festooned with pro-Trump messages.

“But let me tell you why it’s a risky statement”.

“Trump has been all over the map on ISIS”, she said during her remarks in Scranton, PA.

The Vice President said Trump’s “cynicism is unbounded” and his “shame has no limits” in his winding speech, during which he also affirmed his belief that Clinton is the nation’s best bet for the nation’s middle class.

She needled Mr. Trump for claiming his hotels offer on-site day care to workers when they don’t.

Clinton said Trump had been “all over the place” on foreign policy and had suggested sending in ground troops to fight the Islamic State group.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is getting an assist from Joe Biden in Pennsylvania on Monday.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens at left as Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign rally Monday Aug. 15 2016 in Scranton Pa