
Second ‘Fantastic Beasts’ movie coming in Nov 2018

Tickets to “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” for the second half of 2017 began vanishing quickly after going on sale Thursday, powered by stellar reviews and the unabated appetite for anything pertaining to author J.K. Rowling’s famous creation.


Fantastic Beasts was originally announced as a film series in 2013, says Deadline Hollywood, but is based on a Hogwarts textbook mentioned in Rowling’s first novel in the series, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone.

The script book of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has beaten Fifty Shades of Grey to become the fastest-selling book of the decade.

It tells the story of Newt Scamander, a “magizoologist” played by Eddie Redmayne who travels to NY in the 1920s to document unusual creatures. People dressed in costumes lining up for a new Harry Potter story. With the production confidently selling that far ahead post script book release, and demand for the show showing no signs of slowing, Pottermore sat down with Jaime Parker, who plays the titular character.

Earlier this Wednesday, August 3, the Hollywood studio Warner Bros announced that the sequel of the new “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” franchise will hit the big screen in November 2018.

Warner Brothers has now confirmed that Fantastic Beasts…will be a trilogy, with the final film expected to appear in November 2020.

“After just two days” sales (it) is already our biggest-selling hardback since Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol’ in 2009”, Kate Skipper, buying director at United Kingdom bookstore chain Waterstones, said in a statement.

Tickets for the next blocks of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child shows are available now, via the official website.

“When we adapted the books, we’d always have to leave out things you hated leaving out because they didn’t quite work in the structure of the storytelling for the movie”, he said.


With an estimated £580 million fortune, she made £14.2 million in the past year that saw the opening of her two-part West End debut, Harry Potter And The Cursed Child.

'Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling lights the Empire State Building to mark the launch of her non-profit children's organization Lumos in New York. Carnegie Hall will host a special benefit screening this fall