
Clinton’s economic speech: CNN’s Reality Check team vets the claims

Clinton plans to deliver her speech in nearby Macomb County, a location selected with electoral politics in mind.


“Here’s a pretty incredible fact: There is a non-zero chance that Donald Trump isn’t paying (asterisk) any (asterisk) taxes”, Clinton tweeted, after releasing her own returns.

With Obama having virtually locked up the nomination, Clinton defended staying in the race saying, “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California”.

Throughout his presidential bid, the Republican nominee has used controversy to draw attention back to his campaign.

Mrs. Clinton is the anti-JFK candidate. Trump has said he won’t release them until an IRS audit is complete.

Voters in MI have a lot to consider after both presidential candidates stopped in our state this week.

Republican Party rules and state laws would make it hard at this juncture to replace Mr Trump on ballots ahead of the November 8th election. But I tell you what, that will be a terrible day, if Hillary gets to put her judges in, right now we’re tied.

Democratic strategists have long argued the party could win the White House with Obama’s political coalition, the group of minority, young and female voters who twice boosted him to victory.

Such entities are the most common structure for small businesses – which would benefit from Trump’s plan – but they are also heavily utilized by the scores of companies that make up the Trump Organization. Prior years were released by his campaign. “This is not just about rolling up the score”.

Brett Lunceford, a former professor who has researched the political discourse around guns, said these sort of remarks and actions feed into a belief that “the Second Amendment was put in place to overthrow the government if need be”.

“Let’s get the word out that there are really good jobs for people right now and there will be more in the future if you get the skills in high school, at community college, in an apprenticeship, or other training program”, she said.

In contrasting her economic vision with Donald Trump’s on Thursday, Hillary Clinton slammed what she termed the “Trump Loophole”.

Among them was a 2009 email in which Doug Band, a former official at the Clinton Foundation charity run by former President Bill Clinton, directed two Hillary Clinton aides to put Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire and Clinton Foundation donor Gilbert Chagoury in touch with a State Department official dealing with Lebanon. The unorthodox candidate hasn’t aired a single television ad since the end of the primaries and is building a bare-bones effort to get out the vote.

The problem with Clinton’s approach is that it overlooks the reality that many voters, particularly those on the left wing of the Democratic Party, but also some Republicans and others as well, are not happy with the conduct of American foreign policy in recent years, or indeed decades.

Ray Zaborney, a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania-based GOP campaign operative who advises most of the state’s Republican legislative candidates, said Trump is doing the right things in Pennsylvania, adding staff and making smart travel decisions. Trump insisted he was never advocating violence against Clinton.


But Mr Trump’s remark about gun-rights activists sparked a torrent of criticism on social media that he was effectively calling for Mrs Clinton’s assassination. An independent poll released this past week by Marquette University found Trump down 15 percentage points among likely voters in the state.

Donald Trump seeks to raise fresh ethical questions about Hillary Clinton