
Bloomberg Reporter Says There Are Two Likely Outcomes of Hillary Email Scandal

Megyn Kelly: I want to shift gears, because Hillary Clinton did something extraordinary.


Clinton’s email problems are getting worse.

By handing over her server and cooperating with the FBI, she’s likely to be seen as a “cooperating witness for a potentially larger criminal investigation beyond Mrs. Clinton herself”, Dan Epstein, the executive director of Cause of Action, a conservative watchdog group said. GOP officials and candidates have said the newest revelations point to Clinton malfeasance as secretary of state.

“The bottom line: This kind of nonsense comes with the territory of running for president”, Palmieri wrote.

“This was a voluntary turnover, and it was done without subpoena”, said Barbara Wells, a Denver attorney, adding that she had been told that the company was not under investigation.

Stripping classification designations from intelligence information is a felony under federal law, Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano told Megyn Kelly on Wednesday’s “The Kelly File”. Remember, the entire point of setting up this server in the first place was to afford Hillary absolute control over the contents of her emails. A self-described “democratic socialist”, Sanders has avoided addressing Clinton’s email saga, keeping focused on policy disagreements over the economy, trade and the Keystone XL pipeline. Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.

“I think you’re speaking for a lot of people who feel the same way”, Stein said.

It’s gone beyond being a “grave situation” for the Clinton camp, Napolitano said. “People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails”, he said.

“The question is, what did Hillary Clinton know at the time she engaged in these acts?” said the attorney, and if she only sent items that did not have the classified markings, “then she has no criminal exposure at all“. One, she was ordered to do this under penalty of perjury. The final installment, on January 29, 2016, will arrive three days before the Iowa caucuses on February 1.

Clinton’s campaign did not respond to questions Wednesday.

Meantime, a new poll indicates that most Americans are taking the potential misuse of classified information by Hillary Clinton very seriously.

Last month, the inspector general of the intelligence community raised concerns that classified information had traversed the email server and referred the matter to the Justice Department.

Even so, the rules covering the release of classified material are subject to interpretation and nuance. “They are evidence”, he said.


Reid, a cybersecurity expert with Internet Systems Consortium, said there are two types of back-ups. The server turned out to be “blank” with nothing usable on it.

Watch: Hillary's 'Worst Political Nightmare' - Judge Nap Explains Bombshell