
Clinton Leading Trump by 30 Points in New York Siena College Poll

Greenberg, with Siena, says even with the enormous lead of Hillary Clinton in the Presidential race, voters have a long tradition in NY of splitting the ticket when it comes to their local lawmakers.


The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. For the first time since the ’50s, Democrats are poised to win double-digit victories among young voters for the third presidential election in a row.

Looking deeper at the numbers, 50 percent of those surveyed under 35 said they identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party compared to 20 percent who identify with or lean toward Republicans.

That’s up from a 23 percentage-point edge Siena showed in June and a 12 percentage-point edge Clinton held in a Quinnipiac University poll last month heading into the national conventions.

In an increasingly negative campaign environment, majorities of Clinton and Trump supporters are driven by a desire to keep the other candidate out of the oval office.

“I’m not running against Crooked Hillary [Clinton], I’m running against the crooked media”, Trump said at a rally in Fairfield, Connecticut, on Saturday. “He is better than Hillary”.

Although Trump started last week with an apparent attempt to restyle his campaign, offering a rather moderate speech on the economy, as the week wore on he returned to making controversial statements that alienated many around the country. The online poll of 1,539 adults age 18-34 was taken by Ipsos Public Affairs from August 5-10.

The methodology of this particular McClatchy poll allows for a higher margin of error than normal, but the numbers still tell a damning story about Trump’s flailing candidacy among millennials.

The number of the Millennial generation, now 18-34, was estimated to be 75.4 million, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released in April. This is despite the fact that the poll found that Clinton hasn’t generated the level of enthusiasm among young voters that her former Democratic rival Bernie Sanders did.

Now, she has succeeded in winning over most of his supporters.

As president, he said, he would ask the U.S. State Department and Department of Homeland Security to identify regions of the world that remain hostile to the United States and where normal screening might not be sufficient to catch those who pose a threat.


Gaffe-by-gaffe, additional Republicans have come forward to say they’re not supporting his bid, with Carlos Gutierrez, secretary of commerce under President George W. Bush, announcing his support for Clinton on Sunday. The percentage most likely to vote has dropped to 72% from 76% in March; those seen as not very likely to vote has ticked up slightly to 9% from 7%. Still, however, Clinton is “otherwise quite solid”, he said. Signs were popping up across the political landscape that Trump’s year-plus flirtation with presidential politics was in danger of not advancing much further.

Rep. Mark Sanford has called on Donald Trump to release his tax returns