
Donald Trump faking connection to working class: Hillary Clinton

She put out her most recent eight years of tax filings last summer and several years during her first presidential bid. By the way, if she gets to pick her judges (for the US Supreme Court), nothing you can do, folks.


Federal tax rates have become an issue in the presidential election. “Clinton, she’s going to double up your taxes”.

“I think there are a lot of better ways to spend the money”, Clinton said.

At a rally in Wilmington, N.C., last week, Trump essentially said that Clinton is coming for Americans’ guns. She advocated for cracking down on companies that outsource jobs or move operations overseas in proposing an “exit tax”.

The New York businessman billionaire then went on to make ominous comments about the fate of Clinton.

Her overarching message was a common one echoed in many past national elections: that the Republican candidate is prioritizing the wealthiest over everyone else. A new Bloomberg Politics survey released Wednesday found that just 31 percent of Americans believe he has the “right temperament to be president”, while 56 percent said the same of Clinton. Buffet said that he too was under IRS audit and Trump is “afraid” not of the tax-collection agency but of voters. “He may have been joking, but people at the extremes have talked about violent insurrection as a ‘Second Amendment remedy.’ His rallies have attracted lots of people who seem ready to take such language very literally”.

Using tax incentives and credits, Clinton estimated she could lure $250 billion from the private sector to partner on job creation, while investing $10 billion in American manufacturing and scientific research to create new industries. On Thursday, she raised the issue during an economic speech in MI. But she parted with him by condemning his pessimistic and fearful rhetoric about how America is losing its economic competitiveness, and by unleashing a clever and well-timed Olympic comparison. Clinton once called the TPP the “gold standard” of trade deals when she served as Obama’s secretary of state, but she announced her opposition to the deal previous year, saying it did not meet her standard for creating jobs, raising wages and protecting national security. “Wayne [LaPierre] and Chris [Cox] and all the people over there and they tweeted out, basically they agree 100 percent with what I said”. That poll was taken before the casino mogul’s latest gaffe.

Pence said each day the national press “latches on” to another Trump comment and tries to sink him.

Four U.S. presidents have been killed by gunshot: Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. In fact, statistics showed the region lost 31,000 payroll jobs during her tenure.


A new Reuters/Ipsos poll taken between August 5th and 8th showed that almost one-fifth of 396 registered Republicans want Mr Trump to drop out of the race for the White House and another 10 per cent “don’t know” whether the Republican nominee should or not. As Republican leaders sounded alarms about Trump’s unconventional approach, Clinton attacked what she dubbed “outlandish Trumpian ideas” that have been rejected by both parties.

Clinton pulling away from Trump in the polls