
Ellen’s Usain Bolt tweet deemed racist

The talk show host responded on Twitter after being raked over the coals for posting an image of herself riding on black Olympian Usain Bolt’s back, insisting that racism was the furthest thing from her mind when she published the photo.


DeGeneres’ popular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts often feature amusing images that have been altered to include her.

“#Rio2016.” Many called the image racist for showing a white woman riding on the back of a black man. Bryan Young wrote on Twitter. “Nothing more, nothing less”.

“Ellen’s never been shy [about] forwarding racist tropes under the guise of ‘humor, ‘” @MuseWendi added, “Remember her Nicki Minaj stunts?”

Though the host’s tweet was likely posted with no ill-intent, some believed that it was racially insensitive.

The controversial Bolt meme is still available on Ellen’s official Twitter account and DeGeneres and her team are yet to comment on the controvery. As she said implied in her tweet, sending a racist message would be the exact opposite of her true self.

The original photograph, which shows Bolt looking back and smiling as he is well ahead of his competitors in the semifinals, went viral following the race.

Ellen DeGeneres spoke out Tuesday after facing accusations of racism over a recent tweet.


Although comedians should push the envelope when discussing race and other touchy issues, DeGeneres’ joke was tasteless and proved that she didn’t take the time to understand how it could be offensive.

Backlash Ellen De Generes was accused of being a racist after she posted a meme of her riding on Olympian Usain Bolt's back on Monday