
Clinton Leads By 9 Points as Voters Doubt Trump’s Temperament — NBC Poll

A new poll says Democrat Hillary Clinton has a 30-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in their home state of NY.


On Monday, Donald Trump will hold an event in OH, while Hillary Clinton will campaign with Vice President Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.

In Florida, one of the most contested states in November, a poll from NBC News/Wall Street Journal showed Clinton with a 5-point lead.

“Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country”, Trump said in a foreign policy address in Youngstown, Ohio. I can just picture Trump’s devious smile. “These offsetting factors give Clinton the edge”. They attended his wedding; the pictures are there to prove it; Donald Trump spoke to [former President] Bill ClintonBill ClintonGOP rep: “Trump’s not trying against Clinton Defending the Hyde Amendment Newer waters, same river: “The Louisiana floods, and a state in turmoil MORE three weeks before launching his campaign”.

Sunday’s data reflect a 2.2-percentage point combined shift toward Clinton and away from Trump compared to data collected a day earlier.

“Mr. Trump had all sorts of diversions going on and wasn’t talking about that”, Curbelo added.

The Clinton campaign and its affiliated groups have spent a total of $104 million over the last two months ($61 million from the campaign and an additional $43 million from outside groups), while pro-Trump forces have spent a combined $12.4 million.

They warn that Trump is a threat to House and Senate Republicans up for re-election and that the RNC should only focus on those down-ballot races instead.

That proposal raised numerous questions that the campaign never clarified, including whether it would apply to citizens of countries like France, Israel, or Ireland, which have suffered recent and past attacks.


And America should be assured that as vindictive as Donald Trump is, he would announce his resignation as the Republican nominee at the worst possible moment for our election process.

Florida Minority Voters Present Challenge for Trump