
Wavertree Labour party members barred from backing their preferred leadership candidate

The Jewish Labour Movement also endorsed Smith on Monday, with 92% of its members saying they preferred him to Corbyn. It made me realise that it shouldn’t be a surprise to see a politician travelling alongside average commuters.


Smaller class sizes and an end to university tuition fees feature in Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s plan to improve education.

He said: “It was very, very tiring”.

But he welcomed Friday’s Appeal Court decision to allow Labour’s National Executive Committee to block 130,000 new party members from voting in the leadership contest as a triumph for democracy.

But one party member, who asked not to be named, played down the incident and said that a Labour Party member was simply refused entry – and was not trying to influence the vote.

Stockton’s two CLPs did not hold nomination meetings, but an independent event, organised by Stockton Labour members from Momentum Teesside and described as a “Labour leadership open mic night” is to be held on August 20 at the Sun Inn on Knowles Street.

Charnwood, and Leicester East supported Mr Smith.

Jeremy Corbyn supporters have spoken out against attacks on them by the right wing of the Labour Party.

“During this campaign I am putting forward my case for how the next Labour government under my leadership will rebuild and transform Britain, to ensure no one and nowhere is left behind”.

Mr Smith said he “completely disagrees” with this approach, adding: “People have tried to say because I’m somebody who worked for a biotech firm and a pharmaceutical firm that I’m somehow in favour of private provision in the NHS – I am opposed to it”.

“I hear the sort of empty rhetoric about it being kinder gentler politics, well this never happened under Ed Miliband”, she said.

Speaking in a personal capacity, he said: “The mere suggestion that this somehow equates to a belief in radical, violent revolution is in my view preposterous and those who perpetuate such myths only serve to stifle proper democratic debate in our country with straw-man arguments”. “AWL even published these instructions on their web site”. “We apologise for the Supreme Court for any misunderstanding on this matter”.


“I hope that when we get to the autumn and we have selected our leader that we will all unite again and support the new leader whoever that is, whether it is Owen Smith or Jeremy Corbyn”. If you were cynical you might wonder how strongly he backs Corbyn’s ideas, when the people backing Smith most fervently are Peter Mandelson and Alastair Campbell, and everyone else who hates everything Corbyn stands for.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is addressing a rally in Milton Keynes