
Trump says he’s prepared to spend millions on campaign

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has denied rumors that he may not run as a third-party candidate if he loses the Republican primary.


Two attendees, Eileen Vacca and her husband, say they appreciate Trump’s honesty and willingness to speak his mind. He’s just not ready yet.

Attendee Jason Burgurf says he was impressed with Trump’s speech and liked what he had to say about taking care of veterans and the country.

The former host of the US version of TV’s The Apprentice, furious over what he deemed unfair treatment, lashed out at Ms Kelly and the network, telling CNN on Friday that during the debate Ms Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”.

“I would never give up my microphone”, Trump said.

Hannity showed segments of his interview with Trump and asked me and the other guests to respond to various aspects of it. Some of the Twitter critics were upset with Fox News, alleging that it failed to provide a balanced picture, seeing as all three of us appeared anti-Trump. I don’t believe that you can construct a firewall inside that thoroughly corrupt organization, and I am not sure how I could have answered the question otherwise without betraying my principles. Just this week, speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump reiterated the claim, saying, “We’re not paying for it. You know how easy that is?” The question was a reference to Trump’s recent late-night tweetstorm tirade about Fox New’s Megyn Kelly.

A small group of protesters from the local Black Lives Matter chapter took the stage from Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, to criticize the Vermont senator for, in their view, not doing enough to address items on the group’s agenda. The Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser in Birch Run was sponsored by the Republican parties of Saginaw and Genesee counties. I think that’s a very conservative thing.

Donald Trump clarified earlier this week what he meant in the Republican debate when he said that he’d “make” Mexico pay for a border wall. Sanchez also cited Trump’s comments that must Mexicans were illegally bringing over drugs and committing crimes, hitting back at the Republican front runner by calling out his “enormous lack of knowledge”.


“They want me to come up with a 10-point plan, a 14-point plan, a 20-point plan“. He argued that, in business, flexibility is key. I was a big giver, but once I decided to run, all of a sudden, I’m anti-establishment. “We’re going to save social security”, he said. “But I do want to keep that door open in case I don’t get treated fairly”. Despite these comments and his low favorable rating among Hispanics, Trump still predicts that he will not only win the Republican nomination, but also the Hispanic vote in a general election.

Trump, ahead in recent polls, to campaign in Michigan