
Donald Trump accuses political opponents of being owned by special interests

Michael Briggs, a Sanders campaign spokesman, declined to comment about Trump’s criticism on Tuesday.


Clinton also told reporters after the New Hampshire campaign event that what every GOP contender for the White House said about women during Thursday’s debate was offensive.

Trump’s campaign so far has been dominated by one firestorm after the next, the latest involving Fox News personality Megyn Kelly’s debate questions.

But what has caused a stir is her stance on the rest of the Republican candidates, all of whom have been vocal in condemning Trump. I knew him. I thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it’s always entertaining.

“I just want to voice my concern about Donald Trump, especially when it comes to immigrants and obviously women too”, said Julie Haefner, a history student at Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant. No matter. Donald Trump was who everyone came to see, and Trump was what they got. The former reality television star, furious over what he deemed unfair treatment, lashed out at Kelly and the network, telling CNN on Friday that during the debate Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”. The GOP’s last successful candidate, President George W. Bush, lost women by just 3 percentage points in 2004.

“This election, like most elections, is going to be about jobs and the economy”, Republican pollster David Winston told me.

CLINTON: Andrea, I said it was offensive. “The answers were good, obviously, because everyone thinks I won”.

While he opposes abortion rights, Trump favors exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

The problem the GOP now faces is the same one that caused me to leave the party and become an Independent a few decades ago. “And instead of talking about the guy that was in the middle of the stage the other day, we need to talk about the real threat in this race and that is the possibility that Hillary Clinton could be elected president of the United States”.

When Jeb Bush said he wasn’t sure the country needs to spend “a half-billion dollars for women’s health issues”, many viewed the remark as a gaffe and the Republican candidate for president rushed to clean it up. I said it was outrageous.

If you’re part of the approximately 70 percent of American voters who think he’s a blot on US politics, you’re probably face-palming and saying something like, “Does he have no sense of shame?”

TRUMP: I was referring to nose, ears. What Donald Trump said is wrong! “I will be great on women’s health issues”.

TRUMP from phone call in to Morning Joe: The fact is she asked me a very inappropriate question, she should really be apologizing to me, you want to know the truth. And will his jump in the polls actually translate to votes in the National Republican Primary?


But the feud between Trump and Fox News, one of the most powerful voices in Republican and conservative circles, appeared to thaw Monday after the network’s chairman, Roger Ailes, reached out to Trump directly to clear the air.

Donald Trump accuses political opponents of being owned by special interests