
Trump wants ‘extreme vetting’ of immigration applicants

But there was one line from his speech that raised immediate questions.”Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States.”, said Giuliani, who presided as New York’s mayor during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that brought down the Twin Towers.


He warned that Trump’s false assertions last week about President Barack Obama founding the Islamic State extremist group could be used by extremists to target American service members in Iraq.

“Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our county”. He called for a return to the kind of Cold War-era ideological exclusions the USA used to keep communists out.

“We will stop processing visas from those areas until such time as it is deemed safe to resume based on new circumstances or new procedures”, Trump said.

“Extreme Vetting” I call it.

Trump had promised to release his list of “terror countries” soon, but aides say the campaign needs access to unreleased Department of Homeland Security data to assess exactly where the most serious threats lie.

Mr Trump also pledged to end “our current strategy of nation-building and regime change” – a criticism that extends to policies of both parties.

Giuliani is of course conveniently forgetting one rather memorable radical Islamic terrorist attack we had seven year and four months before President Obama came into office, and nine months after President Clinton left office. He said there would also be a temporary suspension of immigration from “some of the most unsafe and volatile places in the world”.

“Trump is further expected to slam President Obama and ex-secretary of state Clinton, whom he has repeatedly called the “founder” and co-founder of ISIS”.

Trump’s Monday speech was the best foreign policy speech that he has ever given, but that’s only because the bar is so low.

“All actions should be oriented around this goal, and any country which shares this goal will be our ally”, he said.

Trump is delivering an anti-terror speech in OH as he tries to steady his floundering campaign.

“In America, we have seen one brutal attack after another”.

“As for Mr. Trump, he needs to stop blaming everyone else and decide if he wants to behave like someone who wants to be president – or turn the nomination over to Mike Pence”, it said, referring to the IN governor, who is Trump’s vice presidential running mate.

On Monday, a Ukrainian official said more than $12 million in undisclosed payments were earmarked for Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort by the pro-Russian political party of Ukraine’s then-president, Viktor Yanukovych from 2007 to 2012.

Yes, remember when Obama called out Mexican immigrants for being rapists; said that a female reporter was only angry with him because she had blood “coming out of her wherever”; accused an opponent of being soft on immigration because he had a “Mexican” wife; hinted that another opponent’s father might have been involved in killing President Kennedy; and attacked a Gold Star family by hinting that they are secretly Islamic fundamentalists?

Trump more broadly criticized the Obama administration – and his Democratic rival, Clinton – saying their policies created a power vacuum in the Middle East that allowed ISIS to flourish.

Trump on Monday is also expected to outline a new immigration policy proposal under which the US would stop issuing visas in any case where it can not perform adequate screenings.

Trump also described the “test” questioning visa applicants on their support of U.S. values an effort to weed out any supporters of extremist ideologies. Clinton replied, as did Obama, that such terminology demonized the Muslim faith and risked making enemies of potential Muslim supporters and informants.

Mr Trump’s first announced his call for banning Muslims a year ago.


THE FACTS: While Trump argues against nation-building, he seems to be suggesting the USA should have seized Iraq and its natural resources as an American colony.

Crowd gathering for today's Clinton-Biden event in Scranton