
Testosterone Therapy increases Longevity in Older Men, Study suggests

Although some studies have reported an association of low testosterone levels with increased risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality, other studies have not shown a consistent association between testosterone levels and incident CVD.


Dr. Shalender Bhasin, an endocrinologist who led the team, took a group of 306 men who were over 60 years old and had either low or normal levels of testosterone in their body.

After the treatments, the participants received follow-ups over a period of 5 to 6 years. A remarkable finding was that the death risk of those who received therapy and for whom it was actually successful was 56 percent lower, while their risk of suffering a heart attack was reduced by 24 percent.

A cardiologist at Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Dr. Rajat Baru said, “It is the first study to demonstrate that significant benefit is observed only if the dose is adequate to normalize the total testosterone levels”.

“We find that men with low and low normal testosterone are unlikely to derive benefits in terms of sexual function or quality of life, two reasons why men may seek testosterone therapy”, Bhasin said.

Although some men may have the perception that testosterone supplements will make them stronger or more virile, “giving a guy testosterone is not the fountain of youth”, Kavaler told Live Science. The levels of this sex hormone usually stay at its peak when men are in their teen years.

It’s a multibillion dollar industry that has catered to men seeking to solve problems in the bedroom and with other aspects of their lvies as they get older. But while the idea of replacing testosterone with gel, patches and injections may sound tempting, there haven’t been a lot of studies on the subject. However, a major study just published by researchers from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital indicates testosterone does not work as advertised. In addition to this statement, the FDA based testosterone therapy constraints on the previous belief that the choice might result in higher risk for heart attacks or strokes to aging people.

The sharpest contrast emerged between Group 1 (those who were treated and attained normal levels) and Group 3 (those whose low testosterone went untreated). The study revealed that the levels of testosterone have a connection with heart failure risks. “The mechanisms for these effects remain speculative”, they research paper said.


The authors note that because this trial was not designed to determine the effects of testosterone on cardiovascular disease events, these findings should not be interpreted as establishing cardiovascular safety of testosterone use in older men.

Is Testosterone therapy a total sham