
Donald Trump to Hold Rally Saturday in Fredericksburg

Trump, who is trailing Clinton in opinion polls, brought in Stephen Bannon, the executive chairman of the conservative website Breitbart. But, more importantly, Bannon is a genius whose imagination knows no limits.


The campaign’s announcement quotes Trump as saying he was “committed to doing whatever it takes to win” the election on November 8.

The appointment formalizes what has been an informal and beneficial relationship between and the campaign.

The namesake of Breitbart, the late conservative provacateur Andrew Breitbart, was considerably less favorable toward Donald Trump as a political figure.

“Voters have every right to ask why any candidate would not stand up to Trump and not reject what he’s offering, particularly now that he has made so cleared last night and this morning that he believes this is the direction he needs to go and the direction he would take our party”, Mook said.

It is perhaps best described as a “pro-Trump” media company.

It has also advocated for Trump’s populist, nationalist policy positions. It had to correct the story, and eventually scrubbed it from the site entirely, but Bannon was unfazed.

This year he has repeatedly interviewed Trump.

Breitbart CEO Larry Solov said in a statement that no interim replacement will be appointed.

Conway, who specializes in polls, will be promoted at a time that Trump fans are hinging their hope on the 2012 election standby of “unskewing” the polls, given Hillary Clinton’s huge lead in state polls across the country. The Wall Street Journal first reported the news.

The changes were announced Wednesday and are expected to leave Paul Manafort, the campaign chairman, with a less influential role.

Even former campaign manager Lewandowski, who was arrested for assault earlier this year, is praising the move – noting Bannon has the “win at all cost” mentality tyrants such as Adolf Hitler Trump thrives off of.

Mr Bannon, a former Goldman Sachs banker who also served in the US Navy, came under criticism as not supporting Michelle Fields, a reporter who said she was grabbed and bruised by Mr Lewandowski at a March campaign event in Florida. Given his approach to politics while at Breitbart, Bannon’s ascension nearly certainly signals the beginning of an even more chaotic fight for the White House. Bannon, who Bloomberg once called “the most risky political operative in America”, has a deep mistrust of the Republican establishment and previously advised none other than Sarah Palin.

That description was quoted approvingly in a Trump press release about Wednesday’s campaign shakeup.

While Conway was a Republican pollster, Bannon ran Breitbart, a conservative news organization that has been outwardly supportive of Trump throughout most of his campaign.

‘There is no new Donald Trump – this is it, ‘ Clinton said, substituting the news of the day into a section of her stump speech where she routinely attacks Trump as unfit for office.

In hiring Bannon Trump has someone who will tickle his itching ears. “It was that simple”.


Trump has a number of other media-savvy confidants, including former aide Roger Stone and former Fox News chairman Roger Ailes.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in West Bend Wis. Tuesday Aug. 16 2016