
Khizr Khan just threw down another challenge for Donald Trump

Ever since that night at the Democratic National Convention when Khizr Khan waved his copy of the Constitution, he and his wife, Ghazala, having lost their son in Iraq twelve years ago, have been in the spotlight. Trump had not lied to Mr. Khan or his family, as Hillary Clinton did to the mothers and families of the Benghazi patriots.


“If you publicly rebuke (Trump), you will look back and you will stand tall in front of the nation, you will say, ‘We were not for this”.

The naturalization test requires basic English proficiency, and includes basic questions about us history, government and symbols.

Donald Trump’s campaign has apparently made a decision to renew its horrific attacks on the Muslim family of a fallen USA soldier – which were widely seen as the beginning of the GOP nominee’s disastrous post-convention slide. His is demagoguery and pandering for vote.

“This is my country too”, Khan told The Huffington Post in an email.

A spokeswoman for the re-election campaign of Arizona’s senior senator said Monday that she was referring all questions about supporting Trump back to McCain’s prior comments. He has repeatedly said that we need to temporarily suspend travel from countries where radical Muslim terrorists are in control, and until our vetting process is greatly improved.

Trump has refused to say whether his relentless attacks on a Gold Star family were a “mistake”, but said that the matter had been “put to bed for a long time” and did not merit further discussion-a memo his supporters seem to have missed.

“He would nearly certainly fail, given his general ignorance and weak grasp of basic facts about American history, principles and functioning of our government”, Reid said in a scathing statement.


Mr. Trump does not want to ban all Muslims or deport ones who immigrate here legally, have appropriately assimilated into our society and who don’t seek to impose their laws upon our society.

Former Gov. Rick Perry speaking on CNN Tuesday revived the controversy over Donald Trump’s feud with the Khan family