
Let’s Waste All Day On The ‘Stranger Things’ Title Text Generator

Coming up with a successful show can be considered as a feat, but the people behind “Stranger Things” seem to have mastered the art of creating a hit show.


Netflix’s “Stranger Things” follows three teen boys as they attempt to track down their friend, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. As they search for him, they uncover supernatural horrors and government conspiracies.

By using the same font found on a Smiths’ record or Choose Your Own Adventure book, Stranger Things’ nostalgic feel is intact from the beginning of the first episode. (Or that I wanted it to!) But I wonder if the Duffer Brothers’ eighties-appropriation aesthetic wouldn’t work nicely within an anthology setting, examining a new mystery via a new style each year.

“The dream is a “Harry Potter” situation”, Mike said about the Netflix series.

What does he mean by that? Basically, if you put Goonies, Poltergeist, E.T., Silent Hill, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind in a blender and set it to “Awesome”, you’d get Stranger Things.

“I love watching kids growing up on camera”, he continued. “And it allows us to explore the mythology of our nether”.


You can find out even more about the title sequence’s production process in the video above, which was made by YouTube channel Vox. These actors will have their chance at the big time yet.

'Stranger Things' Creator Wants 'Harry Potter Situation' for Future Seasons